2 Years Development – ​​Self Care Skills

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2 Years Development – ​​Self Care Skills

Self-Care skills are daily tasks done in order to be ready to perform the actions that will be needed in life (daily dressing, eating, cleaning teeth and other actions). Often these are referred to as activities of daily living. While these actions are mostly supported by their parents in young children, their children are expected to become independent in this regard as they get older.

Organization is about the ability to determine what actions you should take, when and how. Part of organization is understanding the necessities of action. Organization is an important skill required to perform daily routines, complete self-care acts and academic tasks.

Developmental Stage

  • Can distinguish between edible and inedible objects (at 18 months of age).
  • It looks in the right direction to find hidden objects.
  • Plays with other children. Imitates adult behavior.
  • Plays imaginary games.
  • Develops awareness of the approval and disapproval of their behavior by their parents.
  • Recognizes the dangers of materials such as hot objects, steps and glass.
  • Checks adults/caregivers frequently.
  • He behaves well when changing diapers.
  • It gains the habit of sleeping at night or during the day.
  • He tries to brush his teeth. Knows where familiar objects are.
  • He takes off his own shoes and socks. Helps by extending arms and legs while wearing clothes. 

Possible Situations Encountered When It Doesn’t Progress

  • May have difficulty socializing and joint attention with parents.
  • Due to lack of understanding and attention, he may try to learn by imitating others.
  • There may be a delay in play skills (e.g. showing little interest in toys).
  • May have difficulty learning self-care skills such as brushing teeth and taking off shoes and socks.
  • He may have trouble consuming foods with different ingredients.
  • May have difficulty relaxing and may wake up frequently during the night

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