What is Positive Discipline? How Does It Affect Children Positively?

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What is Positive Discipline? How Does It Affect Children Positively?

Positive discipline, which has become a popular method when children are raised by their parents, is practiced by many families. Appropriate application of this method can ensure that the child grows up in a healthy way.

What is Positive Discipline?
Positive discipline primarily includes accepting and loving the child unconditionally. It means that the child behaves freely within certain limits. Children who do not comply or comply with these rules are not rewarded or punished in this method.

The relationship with the child must be strong and secure. One-on-one time should be devoted to the child. This time should be special for him. He must be taken care of. They should be allowed to express their feelings and thoughts.

Positive Discipline Is Not Lawlessness
The positive discipline used in raising children is not rulelessness or limitlessness. Rules are set and boundaries are drawn. The reason why these rules and boundaries are drawn should be explained to the children. The child is allowed to act freely within the framework of these rules and limits. The child has the opportunity to seek solutions to correct his own mistakes. In this process of seeking a solution, the child can be assisted, if he or she wishes.

What Can Be Done Instead of Saying No in Positive Discipline?
When said no, children often feel blocked and blocked. For this reason, instead of saying no to children, alternative ways can be tried in positive discipline. Instead of negative sentences, positive and can-do sentences can be used. Boundaries are drawn and the child can be directed to different alternatives. The important thing when drawing the border is to tell the child why this border is drawn. In this way, while children feel more free, they have an idea about how they can express their wishes in different ways. At the same time, he realizes that he is with his family if his wishes and needs are met.

From What Age Is Positive Discipline Appropriate?
If you are thinking about how to set boundaries while applying positive discipline, if your child exhibits a behavior that you do not want him to do during infancy, for example, if he started to crawl in a place that would hurt himself, you can take him in your arms and drive him away. This is also a method of setting boundaries.

If your child is a little older and has reached the age of 1.5-2, limits can be drawn with simple directions in a language that the child can understand. Children should be given explanations about why these boundaries were drawn. Afterwards, you can benefit from positive discipline in accordance with your child’s age by directing them to alternatives suitable for the child.

What are Positive Discipline Methods?
Below are positive discipline methods that you can apply to your child. By paying attention to these, you can raise your child in positive discipline:

It should be unconditional love.
It must be unconditional acceptance.
Self-confidence should be supported.
It should be supported.
It should be approached collaboratively.
The relationship should be solid and reliable.
There should be no reward.
There should be no punishment.
The child should be given freedom.
The child should realize that he has a sense of responsibility.
It should not contain short-term solutions.
Long-term solutions should be targeted.
There must be respect.
It should be motivating and encouraging.
Why Is There No Penalty in Positive Discipline?
Punishment is a method that damages the child’s self-confidence and self-esteem.
It makes it difficult for him to understand the mistakes of his behavior.
It usually provides a short-term solution.
It is often not a suitable method for a long-term solution.
It does not support the child’s problem-solving skills.

What Should Be Done While Applying Positive Discipline Methods?
Attention should be paid to the benefit and appropriateness of the rules for the child.
Parents must agree on the rules.
You must be firm while drawing the border.
Instead of saying no, you can direct them to alternatives.
You can offer options when setting the rule.
You shouldn’t be critical.
You can talk about what could have been done differently when he made a mistake.
When your child is telling something, you should give your attention to him. Even if you can’t give, you should say that you are not available, but when you are available, you will listen by focusing on it.
You should be motivating and encouraging when he exhibits appropriate behavior.
When you fail at something, you can give an encouraging speech that focuses on the effort in the process instead of focusing on whether or not you succeed.

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