How to Make a Newborn Baby Bath?

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How to Make a Newborn Baby Bath?

Newborn Baby Bath

When babies open their eyes to life, their skin is covered with a miraculous protective barrier (whitish oily substance) called vernix caseosa. This barrier balances body temperature until the first baby bath, moisturizes the skin and most importantly protects it by fighting against infections. For this reason, I am one of those who think that the baby’s first bath should be delayed a little.

When is the Baby’s First Bath Taken?
This is one of the topics open to discussion. I think that in terms of baby development, the baby should not be bathed as soon as it is born. The reason is that your baby is trying to get used to the world physically and spiritually in the first minutes he/she says hello to the world. In this process, the baby needs to meet you, listen to your heartbeat, adapt to the breastfeeding process and not go beyond what he knows.

My advice to you about the baby’s first bath time is to wash it 24 hours after the umbilical cord falls off. When the baby is bathed before the umbilical cord falls off, the contact of the cord with water can prolong the fall of the umbilical cord and lead to infection. You can take a wiping bath until the baby’s umbilical cord falls off.

If you insist on bathing the baby before the umbilical cord falls off, you should wash it after the vernix is ​​absorbed by the baby’s body. (The World Health Organization (WHO) also states that babies should not be bathed for at least 6 hours after birth.) If the baby is to be bathed before the umbilical cord falls off, it would be more appropriate to take the bath under running water, not in accumulated water.

When is the Ideal Bath Time During the Day?
The ideal time for a bath is between two feedings (the baby should not be full or hungry.) and in the evening. Taking a bath in the evening calms the baby and helps him sleep better.

How many degrees should the room temperature be?
While the ideal room temperature for babies is 21-23 °C, the room temperature at bath time can be 24-25 °C if possible. After dressing your baby who is taking a bath, you can reduce the temperature of the environment to normal.

How Long Should Bath Time Be?
Baby bath should not exceed 5-10 minutes. If you want, after 6 months, if your baby enjoys playing in the water, you can extend the duration of the baby bath.

What Should the Frequency of Bathing a Newborn Baby Be Like?
While it is sufficient 2-3 times a week in the winter months, you can take a bath every day under suitable conditions in the summer months. The bath is important for the baby’s relaxation and development.

What Temperature Should Newborn Baby Bath Water Be?
The ideal temperature of the water is 37-38 °C on average. You can use a baby bath thermometer to measure the temperature of the water. If you do not have a thermometer, you can check the temperature of the water with your elbow or the inside of your wrist. My preference in this regard is to drip it on the inside of your wrist, since the skin of the elbow is thicker than the skin of your wrist.

Preparations for Newborn Baby Bath
Since babies’ skin is sensitive, remove your accessories such as bracelets, rings, watches before bathing and make sure your nails are short.
In order not to have a crisis during the bath, prepare the baby bath items completely in advance and take care that the bath materials belong only to your baby.
Make sure that there is no air flow in the room where you will take a bath and that the floor is not slippery.
Clean and check the baby bath tub and other materials you will use before bathing.
Adjust the tub at waist level for your comfort and safe use.
You can turn on calming music while you prepare your baby for a bath. Music will relax you and your baby. If there is a music you listen to your baby while you are pregnant, you can also choose that.
Since babies’ skin is sensitive, soft products should be chosen. Since bath sponges can cause bacterial infection, you can choose washable products instead of sponges.

How to Have a Newborn Baby’s Bath?
1. The room where the bath will be made, the bathtub and all the materials to be used are prepared.

2. After the baby’s clothes are removed, the diaper is opened and the genital area is cleaned.

3. An arm is passed under the baby’s head and the baby is grasped firmly in the armpit. With the other free hand, the baby’s legs and bottom are supported and the baby is taken into the tub.

4. Start washing the baby’s feet first, and then his body, after getting the baby used to the water. Talk to your baby in a soft tone of voice and tell him what you are doing. This will relax your baby and make them feel safe.

5. After putting the baby in the tub, take the cleaning cloth moistened with hot water with your free hand. Begin to clean and pour water with gentle movements from the baby’s shoulder and neck.

6. Clean and rinse the front of the baby’s body.

7. Afterwards, the baby is held with one hand supporting it under the armpit, turned face down, the back and legs are washed and rinsed.

8. Since the heat loss in the newborn baby is from the head area, his hair and head are washed last.

9. After washing the head area, the baby is safely held as it is placed in the bathtub, removed from the water and wrapped in a towel.

10. The whole body of the baby is dried quickly with soft movements starting from the head area. It is well dried as fungus can form in damp areas. If your baby’s skin is dry, you can moisten it with a natural oil.

11. The baby is dressed in accordance with the seasonal conditions.

12. Materials are removed and hands are washed.

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