Your Baby’s Walking Efforts

by admin

While some babies start earlier, most babies only start walking between 13-15 months. Even if he has not started walking yet, your baby is probably able to perform sitting and every related movement easily now. Most babies can stand with assistance during this period. Most babies have mastered crawling by 10 months. He can usually stand up by holding on to himself. Some of them wander around the furniture and begin to take a few steps. They love to get up and down on a chair or couch.

Set up a space where you can move freely; let him explore. The mechanisms that he can pull himself up during these studies will be very helpful. We have mentioned before that we do not recommend a walker (such as a bar, a sturdy coffee table with rounded corners, a sturdy pouf or a chair to hold on to).

If you allow your baby to do these exercises with bare feet, without wearing shoes, if possible, in walking efforts, you will both contribute to the development of foot formation more accurately and provide more support for muscle and sensory development.

Using different floors in places where walking exercises are performed is also supportive in sensory and muscle development. It is great for your baby to crawl and walk barefoot on sand, grass, carpet, hardwood, marble, pillows, puddles of water or mud. If possible, make an effort to climb the stairs or climb up and down the mats while you are with you. Even crawling and dragging himself is very helpful to him.

Enjoyable water games…

Most babies like to play with water. You can also play fun water games with your baby. For example, you can make bath times very enjoyable. But remember that you should never leave him alone in juicy games. Besides, jelly etc. He will also love to touch soft objects. You can find such game suggestions in our Kidokit application. Remember, every different tissue they touch is a new stimulus for their sensory development.

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