Why Are Books So Important to My Child?

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Why Are Books So Important to My Child?

We attach great importance to helping your child acquire the habit of reading books. That’s why we bring this subject up again and again from time to time. Let’s remember the importance of reading a book with a few small titles:

The main thing that makes it important for your child to read a book is that the information does not come ready, but the child himself reaches the information by working his brain.
The language development of your child who reads or reads a book will be much faster, healthier and more regular.
Children who engage with books can generally learn social values ​​such as cooperation, sharing, solidarity, harmony, friendship, love, respect and good manners much more quickly and effectively and can apply them in daily life.
You can easily teach your child a behavior or a rule that you cannot teach with a story.
The stories and age-appropriate tales read contribute to the rapid development of your child’s empathy skills. Because in every story you read, your child identifies himself with the hero of the story.
And please remember, children take you as a role model the most. It is undeniable that children with parents who read books at home will also be more inclined to read.

So what kind of books should we choose for children?
We recommend illustrated stories especially in this age group. Picture stories can contribute to language development as they enable your child to learn by seeing both the words he has heard and the words he has not heard. He begins to relate what he hears to what he sees. While your child is trying to establish relationships, their mental activities may also increase. This way, your child can start learning to think. It can increase imagination and creativity. In addition, picture stories can make a positive contribution to the habit of reading, as your child will be more interested in them.

Dr. Some experts, such as Silvia Dubovay, argue that at the age of 0-3, our children are still thinking concretely and abstract thinking starts to develop little by little after the age of 3, or even really develops by the age of 6; He argues that before the age of 4.5, we should prefer stories based on real events and depicting real events and objects, rather than stories based on fantasy, for example, animals talking, dragons or aliens. Thus, children who have just discovered the world they live in can associate real life with what they learn from books, and their learning process accelerates.

Also, completing some books with play and dramatic plays will allow your children to internalize these stories and the teachings they contain.

As for the contribution of dramatic play to your child…
In the dramatic game type, your child plays the roles of you, adults or different people. In this way, they recognize their future roles or the roles of other different people in the world and what they are dealing with.

You don’t necessarily need a ready-made text in the dramatic game. It may be enough to give your child a role. For example, if you decide to play doctor together, your child will learn how to respond to new situations. Also, sometimes imagination can take you to different places. In this way, your child’s creativity and improvisation skills develop.

As your child learns to control their emotions through dramatic play, they can give you clues about their anxiety and problems during play. In addition, these games develop your child in problem solving.

Dramatic play is also an effective tool for language development. For this reason, it strengthens your child’s communication skills. In short, playing dramatic games will be very good for you and your child.

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