When Should Your Child Start Creche?

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When Should Your Child Start Creche?
It’s time for your child to start creche, but he still can’t eat alone. Do you think that he may want you around all the time, that he will have problems when you are not around? Do not worry; Like every child, your child will get used to the crechein time. In this case, you should focus on what you need to know for crechepreparation and selection.

How do I know if my child is ready for creche?
The ideal age for children to start creche under normal conditions is 3-3.5. If you are working or do not want someone else to take care of your child, you can put your child in daycare after the age of 2.5. When starting kindergarten at the age of 2-2.5, you can start with half-day playgroups and gradually extend the time.
Observe your child to see if it’s time to start creche! If he is very happy with his friends or can communicate with others when you take him to the park, he can easily make friends with different children.
You may be thinking, “My child is shy, he has problems at the creche”. However, experts and studies say that the child’s shyness problem is resolved after he goes to the creche, and he starts to socialize.

What should I consider when choosing a creche?
It is quite normal to think long and hard when your child starts creche. You may think that your child is premature and still needs you. The more comfortable and happy you are in this regard, the more happily he will spend a day at the creche.
We all remember our first teachers, even after many years. Your child’s primary school teacher is also very important in his life. Observe the communication of the teacher in the creche you want to go, both with your child and with you. Evaluate the opinions of the families of the children who go to the same school.
The number of staff in the creche is another important criterion. Ask the person concerned if the number of children per teacher exceeds 5. Make sure your child is not in a very crowded classroom.
In the kindergarten, besides the teacher, there should be the support of a specialist Psychological Counselor/Child Psychologist. The pedagogue can notice the problems that the teacher cannot notice and can help to organize a suitable program for your child.
Do not forget to review the physical conditions of the school so that your eyes are not left behind. For example, is cleanliness and hygiene taken care of in the classrooms, and is an environment where children can move freely? There should be no question mark in your mind about this.
Safety measures at school are also very important in choosing a nursery. Check what precautions are taken in the nursery in emergencies.
It is very important that there are educational tools for children in the nursery and whether they are suitable for the age group. It is useful to pay attention to this issue.
You don’t want your child to get tired on the way to school, do you? For this reason, it is an advantage that the nursery you choose is close to your home. If the nursery is far from home, your child may have to wake up earlier. This can lead to a decrease in the desire to go to creche.

How well does my child eat at kindergarten?
No mother can bear to starve her child. Of course, so are you… Get detailed information from your school about nutrition so that you don’t worry about your child.
Your child should eat all the foods in the food group for healthy growth! Pay attention to whether this is provided in the nursery. Ask the nursery officials for the menus they prepare monthly.
By looking at the list or by asking your child, try not to give the food he eats at noon in the evening. Eating the same food twice a day is not very appetizing for him.
Your child may not like the taste of the food in the nursery in the first days. Talk to her teacher about what and how much she eats during the day and review her nutritional deficiencies.

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