What is Hyperactivity in Babies?

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What is Hyperactivity in Babies?
Hyperactivity is a problem that needs attention in babies with hyperactivity.

Hyperactivity, one of the most common child problems of our age, is a problem that needs attention in babies with hyperactivity.

We know that hyperactivity is a condition that every mother or father unknowingly complains about from past to present. Behaviors attributed to both mischief and behavior. “If his hand stood still, his feet would move, He would talk or make noises, he would move even while watching TV, He liked me to walk around all the time when I held him in my arms…” These sentences were not foreign to you, did they? But let’s look at these words from another angle.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Hyperactivity

Some hyperactive children begin to show themselves to the mother by being more active while in the womb. Babies sometimes cry or have trouble sleeping after they are born.

-They wake up immediately when they sleep.
-They may not be able to fall into a deep sleep.
-They wiggle their hands and feet, they may have eating disorders.
-They may not like being picked up.
-They may not like to be controlled, they may want to hold their bottles themselves, and they may not want to stand comfortably in their mother’s lap.

These are situations that can be experienced in almost every infancy period and are quite natural to experience. The part that we will consider as a problem is that your baby experiences these situations more clearly compared to their peers. Symptoms of hyperactivity can be observed even in the womb, but for diagnosis, the observed symptoms must be observed in two environments such as home and school.

In order for a diagnosis of hyperactivity to be made, the symptoms must be present for at least 6 months, appear before the age of 7, have impairments in 2 or more settings, and have significant impairments in social, academic or professional activities.

We know that babies with signs of hyperactivity are more likely than other babies to continue their further developmental stages. They may require the constant care of a few people as they are very active and agile when they are in their infancy or when they start walking.

– A mother who sees the difference in her behavior should accept that her baby is different from other babies and consult a specialist. During infancy, the mother should take care of the baby at regular intervals. They should take a bath at the same time every day and feed them at regular intervals.

– For normal babies, it may be fun to sleep by rocking, but for an active baby, they may start crying because rocking will cause more arousal. Shaking should be stopped so as not to increase his tension.

– If you have such a baby, do not light a lamp in his room and hold him in your arms when he wakes up. In this way, it becomes aroused, increasing the state of alertness. Instead of warning him, always turn on a nightlight where he sleeps. If you think he is not hungry and his bottom is not dirty, make him fall asleep again without holding him in your arms. If you cannot sleep for more than 1 hour and wake up frequently, consult your doctor. Hyperactivity decreases with age. Often the first to disappear is hyperactivity.

Diagnosing hyperactivity is difficult and may take time. Be patient and provide emotional support for your child until the source of the problems is found. And finally, you should spend your energy in a controlled manner in order to maintain a healthy relationship with your child. You should also take care of your own mental health and do not forget to take time for yourself.

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