What is Hyperactivity in Babies?

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What is Hyperactivity in Babies?

Hyperactivity, one of the most common problems of our age, is a condition that needs attention in babies who are seen to be hyperactive. How do the symptoms of hyperactivity in babies progress? By getting information about the answers to questions such as how to understand hyperactivity in babies, you can ensure that the problem is taken under control with early diagnosis.

What is Hyperactivity in Babies?
hyperactivity in infants; It is a problem that occurs when the baby shows behaviors that are not appropriate for his age, month and development level. It is a behavioral disorder characterized by hyperactivity, inattention, and agitation.

When Does Hyperactivity Occur in Babies?
Hyperactivity is often caused by a condition called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In the emergence of the problem of hyperactivity;

biological, genetic, psychological and social factors are thought to be the effect. It is 2 to 3 times more common in boys than girls. Although the age of onset of hyperactivity is usually 3, 4 years old, symptoms of hyperactivity may appear at younger ages. In fact, hyperactivity can give signals before the baby is born, with the excessive activity that starts in the womb. Parents are advised by experts to pay attention to the behavior of their babies, who are seen to be hyperactive, with the suspicion of hyperactivity.

Problems Related to Hyperactivity
hyperactivity in infants; It attracts attention with behaviors such as restlessness, difficulty in staying calm, and excessively active behaviors. Hyperactive babies, who are always on the move, constantly move their hands and feet. When they reach school age, this mobility situation becomes more prominent and begins to affect other students, teachers and parents. Although hyperactive children are described as “naughty children”, their behaviors emerge out of their control. Babies with hyperactivity disorder face many problems. Hyperactivity consisting of difficulty sleeping, constant crying, attention deficit, concentration disorder, impulse and movement control disorders can cause failures in the transition of the baby to childhood, school life and social life. This situation may cause the child to fall behind his peers in terms of lessons during the school period, and may cause a feeling of inadequacy and loss of self-confidence over time.

Symptoms of Hyperactivity in Babies
In some babies, symptoms of hyperactivity begin to show themselves more active while in the womb than other babies. This mobility continues to increase after birth. Hyperactive babies give hyperactivity signals with many symptoms. Symptoms increase as symptoms of hyperactivity in 2-year-old babies, mostly due to the development of the baby after birth. Hyperactivity infant symptoms that parents can understand with careful observation can be listed as follows;

They may have trouble falling asleep both at night and during the day. When they are sleepy, they get restless and cry to sleep.
Their sleep is not very deep. They can wake up in a very short time after falling asleep. Sleep patterns are quickly disrupted.
Often they can sleep in the cradle or when rocked standing up.
They may want to have some objects such as blankets, pillows, plush toys with them to fall asleep.
They move their hands and feet very often. They can suck their fingers.
There may be some eating disorders. They may have an appetite problem.
They do not like to be controlled. For example; They may want to hold their own bottle while feeding.
They don’t like being picked up.
There are frequent crying spells. They calm down late.
They become restless and may overreact to environmental stimuli.
They have an addiction to the pacifier and refuse to quit.
They can become stubborn and irritable during diaper cleaning.
When they reach toilet training age, they may experience a delay in acquiring this habit.

How is Hyperactivity Diagnosed?

“Is my baby hyperactive?” Another issue that parents who think that they should know is; The fact is that diagnosing hyperactivity is a difficult and time-consuming condition. For your baby who you think has a hyperactivity problem, you should be patient and provide emotional support until you find the source of his problems. While doing this, you should not forget that you should act carefully to protect your own mental health. When diagnosing hyperactivity, the infant or child should be compared with their peers and their behavior should be evaluated. It is stated that the symptoms in question are a condition that can be seen in almost every baby in infancy and is defined as normal to experience, but the key point to be considered here is; In order to evaluate this existing situation as a problem, the behavior of the baby should be compared with his peers. In order to make a full diagnosis of hyperactivity symptoms, which are known to be seen even in the mother’s womb, the behaviors that exist in the baby or child should be observed in two different environments such as home and school.

In order for a diagnosis of hyperactivity to be made, the infant or child must have shown these symptoms for at least 6 months, been observed in two or more settings, have a significant impairment in social activities, and all symptoms must be present before the age of 7 years. Babies with signs of hyperactivity are more likely to continue the problem in later developmental stages than other babies. Babies who are thought to have these symptoms should be kept under observation by their parents and expert support should be sought when necessary. In order for a child to be diagnosed with hyperactivity medically, the child must be at least 6 years old. In order for the diagnosis to be made, the child and the parents should attend the doctor’s interview together. The doctor can listen to the detailed history of the child’s condition from the family and, if necessary, perform tests for neuropsychological evaluation. In order to make an endocrinological evaluation and to determine the hormone levels, some laboratory tests may be requested. As a result of these detailed evaluations, the child may be diagnosed with hyperactivity.

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