What is 2 Year Syndrome? 2 Years Syndrome Symptoms

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What is 2 Year Syndrome? 2 Years Syndrome Symptoms

Humans go through many physical and biological stages after birth. These transitions sometimes create intense psychological pressure. This situation begins in infancy and manifests itself in certain critical periods. The 2-year-old syndrome, which is a challenging process for babies and their families, is one of them. Parents need to be informed in order to ensure that their babies can get through this process in a healthy way. In this way, they can interpret the wishes and thoughts of their babies correctly. Babies can also overcome the 2-year-old syndrome without any problems.

What is 2 Year Syndrome?
One of the most frequently asked questions by parents is the answer to the question of what is 2-year-old syndrome? The 2-year-old syndrome, which is a process experienced by babies who have just started walking, is a normal part of the developmental stage. Toddler babies feel free and try to establish themselves as an individual by getting out of infancy.

Of course, they cause their families some difficulties in this process. A similar behavior seen in adolescence manifests itself in this period. There are symptoms such as tantrums, stubbornness, shouting, crying with the desire to get what he wants, disobeying his parents and aggressive attitudes. For this reason, it has also been recorded in the literature as “Terrible Twos”. Families face a lot of difficulties during the process. As challenging as it may be, one should not worry. Because the 2-year-old syndrome is a normal part of a healthy development.

It is normal for babies who live completely dependent on their mothers before walking to enjoy freedom when they start walking. Babies who realize this try to prove themselves to their environment, and they take an attitude as if I am an individual and I am here. Therefore, they take a more egocentric attitude. Because of this attitude, they want everything to be the way they want. As a result, they constantly behave negatively against their family’s wishes.

What are the Symptoms of 2 Years Syndrome?
Although the symptoms of 2-year-old syndrome differ from baby to baby, they are quite diverse. But there are a few behavioral patterns that are very clear. These behaviors are important signs that the process has begun. Among the symptoms of 2-year-old syndrome in children;
Babies who have siblings fight more with their siblings, and babies who don’t fight with their playmates more than usual.
They can kick around when angry.
There may be sudden mood swings (such as sobbing while laughing quite happily),
They may shout at people they are communicating with during normal conversation,
They may have tantrums (throwing toys and objects, hitting others or themselves, etc.).
All these symptoms can occur in babies between 18 and 36 months. During the process, the baby is very inclined to do the opposite of what his parents say. He responds by saying “No” to many things. There may also be situations such as not eating, not doing the activities that he enjoys in daily life, or not playing games while being stubborn. These are quite normal and parents need to understand their children and act accordingly.

2-year-old syndrome can also bring about problems related to sleep patterns. During this period, children may object to sleeping hours and may not want to sleep. Other issues that are wondered are problems such as 2 year old syndrome crying at night, 2 year old syndrome crying crisis. It should be known that these are problems that may be encountered during the 2-year-old syndrome, even if not in every baby.

When Does 2 Year Syndrome Start?
There is no exact answer to the question of when the 2-year-old syndrome begins. In general, it is known that toddlers enter this period with their first steps. Therefore, the syndrome does not start at the age of 2 years. It begins to appear between 18 months and 36 months. The process becomes even more difficult due to the incomplete language development. Children who cannot express themselves fully during the process clash a lot with their parents.

It is not possible to start the process all of a sudden with walking. Babies’ first steps still need help. The child, who is aware of this, always wants his parents with him. Because there is still fear of falling. However, a sense of freedom emerges in toddlers who are successful. However, the 2-year-old syndrome also manifests itself. Parents who now have a more selfish and freer baby need to get used to the process and handle their baby. Otherwise, a troublesome process can lead to some psychological problems in babies.

How Long Does the 2 Year Syndrome Last?
Unfortunately, there is no definite answer to the question of how long the 2-year-old syndrome lasts. Although it may seem like forever for families, the syndrome begins to ease once children understand the rules and realize that they clearly want what they want. Babies are all unique and have different personality traits.

Although it is scientifically said that the process can continue up to 36 months, parents who understand their babies and behave accordingly, get through the process more easily. Thus, the process can be completed in a very short time for them. Knowing how to deal with babies’ negative behaviors and acting accordingly is the most effective method.

Therefore, it is necessary to be consistent and determined when disciplining babies. If all family members (including caregivers, if any) are consistent and accommodating with the baby, the process will go much more smoothly. Thus, the process passes without any psychological damage. On average, the process ends around the age of 3 years.
How to Treat a Child with 2-Year-Old Syndrome?
The answers to the questions of how to treat a child with 2-year-old syndrome and what are the methods of coping with 2-year-old syndrome are very important in terms of child education. Every parent should be aware of this situation and be aware of it. Although it is not easy to deal with babies while the syndrome continues, it is necessary to take a deep breath and stay calm.

Especially tantrums are a situation that no parent wants to see. Because parents don’t want to see their babies rolling on the floor or kicking around. However, it is very important to approach the child who has a tantrum. In such a case, the tendency of families is to do whatever the child wants and immediately fall on them. On the contrary, it should not be forgotten that the child who has a tantrum aims to attract attention.

It would be remarkable to sit on the sidelines and quietly read a book that the child likes and play a game that he or she likes. A child who is not taken care of comes to him wondering what his parents are doing. So he does what he likes to do with you, and his tantrum ends. A child who has a tantrum in public should be distracted. Giving him a favorite toy or attracting his attention to what’s going on is a very effective method. Families should use the word “No” as necessary in this process.

In particular, children need to categorically reject their unacceptable behavior, and this should be consistent. Because the behavior that is glossed over, even once, tends to be reinforced. This means that negative behavior will increase. Ignoring some negative behaviors is also an effective method. The behavior ceases when the child realizes that it is not attracting attention. There may be many children who throw food on the floor while eating. It can be said that it is wrong for him to do this the first time the behavior is exhibited. If it continues, it is the most effective method to take the food from his hand. Over time, this behavior also fades.

When Does the 2 Year Syndrome End?
Although there is no clear answer to the question of when the 2-year-old syndrome ends, it disappears scientifically in an average of 36 months. However, this process varies depending on how the child is taken care of. Parents who know how to treat their children get through this process more quickly with their children. Because children realize more quickly which behavior is wrong and which is right.

Depending on the psychological development and the behavior of the family, it can be seen that the process extends up to the age of 4 years. However, the prolongation of the process should not worry the families, and consistent behaviors should be continued. Because the 2-year-old syndrome in babies is a normal process that every child will experience. It is quite natural to see it in a healthy individual.
Families who have difficulties with their children with two-year-old syndrome should seek help from a specialist physician without delay. Thus, they can contribute positively to the psychological development of their children.

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