What Can Your Baby Do According to Months?

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What Can Your Baby Do According to Months?
From the moment it was born, you will witness the development of your baby, which you will raise with your love, moment by moment. Meanwhile, his little body will evolve and strengthen to adapt to the world.

How will your baby’s development be during 12 months, which will show and develop a different ability each month?

1 month
Eye muscles begin to develop, can see clearly up to 20 cm.
His personality begins to develop. His behavior these days can give you clues about your baby’s character.
A 1-month-old baby can distinguish the mother’s voice. Towards the end of the month, he begins to react slowly to adult voices.
The diet becomes more and more regular.

2 months
The way he expresses his feelings, such as happiness or anger, is enriched.
A 2-month-old baby recognizes his mother and father, can smile consciously. Holding her in your arms or calling her will calm her down.
Sleeping hours begin to regulate.
Laughs, can scream with joy.
The 2-month-old baby follows large objects during development and can stare for a long time.
He has the ability to raise his head where he lies.
He begins to grasp objects with his hands.

3 months
It can distinguish everyone’s voice, not just the mother’s.
He gets used to life more and starts to cry less.
A 3-month-old baby has the ability to tell people apart.
A 3-month-old baby can respond to things he doesn’t like or like with mimics in line with his development.
He has better control of his head and body.
Their movements improve further. He begins to bring objects to his mouth. He learns to use his hands, reaches for things.
He can respond to those who talk to him by making different sounds.
Can see objects in all their details.
Sleep and eating patterns improve.

4 months
Usually, a 4-month-old baby is getting ready to have his first tooth or has it out.
It starts to make sounds when it is with itself, the act of laughing is a situation that takes place between the development of a 4-month-old baby.
Distinguish colors. The ability to see is completed by developing. He can focus at different distances and sees all colors.
Hearing ability develops. He/she can feel safe and calm when he/she hears the voice of a family member. He starts to listen to the sounds he makes himself this month.
Can distinguish strangers, carefully look at new faces.
He grasps objects better, can change the position of the object between his hands.

5 months
A 5-month-old baby can sit on his hips without support and hold his head upright.
Makes movements similar to crawling. He can go from head to toe in his bed.
Begins to respond when called by name.
Baba can make two-syllable sounds like grandfather.
He begins to gain weight more slowly.

6 months
Hand skills develop.
During the 6-month-old baby’s development, he begins to establish a cause-effect relationship and act accordingly.
He can detect words like mom and no, even if he can’t speak yet.
6-month-old baby can make movements that indicate that he wants to get up from where he is.
Emotions such as happiness, love, fear, impatience, excitement increase and he expresses himself with his facial expressions, body language or sounds.
He can make sounds that indicate that he has started to recognize himself in the mirror.

7 months
During the 7-month-old baby’s development, the ability to balance matures. Can sit unassisted even while playing with toys.
He becomes very curious and adventurous, but fear balances these feelings.
The 7-month-old baby can start to move and crawl on the ground with the support of his arms.
He learns to use his fingers instead of using his whole hand.
May refuse to feed when full.
Although he cannot speak, he begins to learn the names of objects and to look at the object when he hears its name.
Your baby definitely knows what you don’t like to do.

8. Month
An 8-month-old baby is curious and examines everything he sees. It even chews, hits, throws or spills.
He likes to try to climb low furniture, stairs and drawers he can open.
His personality begins to develop. He knows what he wants and gets angry at obstacles. He can object when his toy is taken away.
He begins to choose the foods he likes and to form his eating style.
It can move objects and lift objects that have fallen to the ground without your help.
During 8 months of baby development, your baby begins to learn how to behave by imitating you. It imitates your speech with your facial expressions, although not your speech. It monitors all your movements and repeats it when necessary.

9 months
He wants to walk, but he cannot do it alone. That’s why he asks for your support.
He walks around holding on to furniture.
It can head towards where the sounds are coming from.
The 9-month-old baby begins to use gestures and facial expressions actively.
In order to meet his needs, he may start to say words such as food, mother, father.
The 9-month-old baby wants to explore everything during its development. For this reason, you should keep the electrical outlets in the house closed, and keep dangerous substances such as detergent, bleach or medicine out of your baby’s reach.

10 months
Begins to take steps to walk with your help.
10 months old baby can make noise to get your attention and expect you to play with it.
Responds to music by shaking or humming, can be accompanied.
It can perform actions such as waving and clapping.

11. Month
He expects you to constantly approve of everything he does.
It can stand on tiptoe, even crouch and bend.
Consciously puts objects in their places.
He can bring the spoon to his mouth by himself.
11 months old baby can take off his shoes and socks himself.
Makes connections between some objects and symbols.
Easily imitates facial expressions and rhythmic sounds.
Can say meaningful words.

12 months
He can understand your approval not only by sign but also verbally.
He can drink water from a glass.
Shows interest in you and his acquaintances.
She resists to sleep.
The mood is constantly changing.
If he breaks up with you, he may react a lot.
The sense of humor develops.
Learns to use toys such as phones and cars.
He understands most of what is said to him.
They remember events longer.

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