What can We do to Help Our Children Gain the Habit of Reading?

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Most of us dream that our children will one day become well-equipped, knowledgeable adults who have the habit of reading, who love to read and research. The habit of reading will open the door to many different worlds for our children; It’s a great habit that can help them become visionary, thinking, creative people. Our children are currently in kindergarten and will soon be in school. The seeds we sow in our schools and homes today and the values ​​and habits they will acquire will be the most important steps that will shape their whole lives. That’s why we attach great importance to inculcating the habit of reading in our school. However, we also wholeheartedly believe that the most important school in the acquisition of habits is actually their home and family. Below, we have shared some tips on what we can do to help our children gain the habit of reading and make them love reading. We hope you enjoy it and take the time to introduce this good habit to your children.

1. First of all, we should be role models for our children. If we believe in the importance of reading habits, we must first acquire this habit ourselves and make it a part of our lives. Our children should see us reading newspapers, magazines and books, listen to our discussions about the news or the articles and books we read, and observe how we enjoy reading and how we use what we read in our lives. Remember, when your child sees you reading, he or she will think that this habit is valuable, important and fun. It would be unrealistic to tell them how important it is to read a book every day and expect them to understand the importance of it if we don’t do it at all.

2. One of the most enjoyable ways to spend quality time with your child is to read books. Set hours to read together. Start a family book club.
Have regular reading sessions with your children. Reading to them every night before going to bed will open new horizons before sleep; and it will allow you to end the day together and in a pleasant way. What could be better than falling asleep calmly after a pleasant book and a small chat with a loved one, accompanied by nice and quiet classical music? If possible, have a detailed daytime reading session together at least 1-2 times a week, in addition to the books before bedtime. The best thing is to read a book as a family during these hours. Maybe he can start a small book club at home; You can read the books you like or bought that week at the club at certain times.

3. Choose books based on your children’s age and interests.
If you want your children to do something with interest and love, first of all, research what they need, what they like, what can contribute to their development, and make your choices accordingly. In this research, it is useful to know the developmental characteristics of that age group. However, the most important thing is that you try to get to know your child by observing correctly. Remember, even if they are the same age, each child’s developmental speed and individual characteristics differ.

4. Make quotes and reminders from what you read in your daily life and conversations. While living your daily life, you can relate what you have read that day with what you read; you can remind what you read in certain examples. Thus, by enabling your child to think about what he reads and adapt what he reads to his life; You can support the development of reasoning ability.

5. Exchange books with your children; Go to book fairs, libraries. What options are available to our children to enable them to enter the magical world of books; We have to show what we can find in the books. Take them to bookstores and fairs and let them buy the books they want and like. Spend time together in libraries; Dive into the magical world of books, silently disconnecting from all other topics in the world.

6. Put books and magazines out in the open where your children can reach them. As you know, in the Montessori system, there is an open and accessible closet system and a “ready environment” so that our children can easily get what they are interested in. Apply this system for books as well. Try to choose books with visuals that will introduce them to real life, especially at a young age. Read one page of the book during reading hours together (you don’t have to read it one-on-one; you can choose simple words and expression style that will appeal to your child’s age); Ask him to explain the other page. Thus, you can support both self-expression and creativity. Make sure that the books and magazines that are available are suitable for their level and needs. If there are subjects that were of particular interest at that time, include books and visuals on these subjects.

7. Subscribe to children’s magazines! Have magazines and publications delivered to you and your child at home. When the magazine you subscribe to comes, open it together; start learning the information of that month with pleasure.

8. Read the books of the plays that have been filmed or staged (theatre, ballet, etc.) and watch the film before or after. Thus, by enabling your child to reinforce the main themes in the book; can talk about details that are and are not included in the film/stage; You can help him visualize what happened in the book more easily.

These and similar activities will definitely provide you and your child with very high quality and enjoyable moments that you can spend together. Thus, both you and your child can open up to new horizons where books and magazines will take us; You can move forward to have a broad perspective where the limits are only the sky.

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