Ways to Instill Environmental Awareness in Children

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Ways to Instill Environmental Awareness in Children
Since the foundations of children’s personality develop in the 0-6 age range, it is important to instill many vital values ​​at this stage. Environmental awareness is one of them. The first place where the habit of cleaning and obeying the rules is learned is the family. To the extent that family members attach importance to cleanliness, the child also develops the habit of cleaning. Children who develop the habit of cleaning will be individuals who are sensitive to the environment and can take care of themselves.

To instill environmental awareness in children;
You can teach that plants and animals are alive like us, by taking walks in the environment and nature, and by exemplary behavior that will enable them to understand the importance of protecting nature.
You can read and read children’s books about the environment. You can gamify environmental issues. Children should be encouraged to play games on issues related to nature and the environment. Thus, by concretizing the events, it is ensured that children learn by living and doing.
You can be a role model in all matters related to the environment and cleanliness. You can teach the distinctions about recycling and adopt its importance. Your child will also enjoy making these distinctions and showing you if they are doing it correctly, as they also do classification exercises.
Creating awareness of beauty by enabling them to participate in artistic training will instill environmental awareness in children and enable them to become sensitive adults for life.
Another way to raise environmental awareness is to give your children responsibility for other living things and nature. Feeding the fish, bird, cat or dog food, watering the plants, planting flowers in pots may be some of these responsibilities.

Our animal friends
Although the presence of animals in the house is a question mark for some of our families, experts say that this situation accelerates child development. Animals are wonderful beings who show us unconditional love, loyalty and true friendship. Friendship with an animal at home will teach your child to be responsible for caring for an animal, and will teach attachment and love in different ways. Feeding animals significantly contributes to the physical, mental and socio-emotional development of your children. Understanding that different creatures in nature are alive and can be damaged due to human behavior strengthens your children’s sense of empathy. It teaches your children compassion. Children who are responsible at a young age can stand on their own feet more quickly and their self-confidence develops more. In short, our furry animal friends can provide your children with the opportunity to learn many things in different ways and by experience.

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