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If your little one is squeezing his mouth shut and turning his head, squinting, clasping his hands and screaming, or if he’s blushing and then making a fuss, he’s definitely trying to tell you something. Until your baby learns to speak, he will try to explain his problems with gestures using body language.

For parents who have their first experiences, it is a little difficult to understand what the baby wants to tell. Over time, you can figure out the baby’s movements and understand what he means from his movements and facial expressions. Thus, both your baby’s self-confidence develops and the bond between you gets stronger.

However, understanding your baby’s body language is not an easy task. If your baby is crying, “Is he hungry; does it hurt somewhere? Questions like “can make you panic. But attentive and perceptive mothers quickly understand their babies and can decipher what they mean. If you follow him closely and figure out his movements, it’s okay. All babies use a common language anyway.

Reactions such as being happy, surprised and scared are the same in all babies. Hands and arms are opened, lips are twisted, there are cries of joy… It is easy to understand negative messages as well as positive ones. A sour face, tense expression indicates unhappiness. A baby, bored with attention, covers his face with his hand, hands his ear. In such a case, stop playing with it.

If he extends his arms to you, continue playing, but if he tries to get out of your lap, it means that he is tired and does not want to play anymore. If you act with the clues given by your baby while you are spending time with your baby, he will both develop his trust in you and feel himself in an environment full of love and trust. Life will be easier for both of you when you are sensitive to all the signals he is sending you.

If your baby is very small, gestures and facial expressions will help you. Talking a lot will be very relaxing for him and it will strengthen communication. He may not understand you, but he will carefully study and listen to you. Makes movements in accordance with your speech rhythm. The learning process is fast for babies between four and six months and your conversations with them become easier.

Now you can understand in advance what he means and what he will do. When you change your facial expression while laughing at him and pout, he will immediately pout his lip and cry. A six-month-old baby no longer responds to your attention instinctively, but to share his excitement. Every gesture that appears on her face has a meaning and begins to imitate the expression on the mother’s face.

He uses gestures as if he were communicating with words. By the tenth month, your baby is trying to express that he is happy, angry, or excited. After all, parents have already deciphered their baby’s language. Babies also manage to express their discomfort with facial expressions. The hurt expression on his face may indicate that he has a problem with his tooth.

Some Behaviors of Babies and Their Meanings
-When babies are happy, their pupils dilate, their foreheads wrinkle, and their mouths and eyes open wide.
-When he is bored, he will strain, squeeze, his face may be tense and hung. In such a situation, he wants to be left alone.
-If his face is sour and he pushes you with his hand, it means “I don’t want to eat the pumpkin puree”.
-If it is lively, smiling and cheerful, it means I want to play.
-A cry like “oo” means that you really like your toy.
-If he is constantly crying without tears in his eyes, it means he is bored with his environment. You can divert his attention to something else.

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