How to Feed Energetic Children?

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How to Feed Energetic Children?
The higher an individual’s activity level, the greater the amount of energy they need to take daily. A child who is constantly on the move during the day should get enough energy with food to ensure growth and development. You can support him to meet his energy needs by enriching the meals he eats with methods such as adding minced meat to vegetable dishes and adding eggs to meatballs, and by paying attention to the meal order.

Snacks can be a savior

Children who are constantly on the go get more hungry and may want to quell their hunger with packaged foods high in sugar or fat. In order to prevent the consumption of these foods, you can add fresh/dried fruits or nuts such as almonds/hazelnuts to dairy products such as milk, yogurt, kefir, and ayran to make it a satisfying and nutritious snack. At the same time, when you follow a diet with snacks, you can meet your child’s daily energy needs more easily.

Foods containing preservatives and additives may increase hyperactive behavior

Foods containing preservatives and additives such as snacks such as chips/crackers, acidic beverages, ready-made fruit juices, milk and dairy products with added white sugar, candies and foods containing colourants, processed meat products such as salami/sausage, instant soups, and ready-made sauces should not be consumed.

Excessive secretion of adrenaline can cause magnesium deficiency.

Children release adrenaline, especially in situations such as jumping from a place or making dangerous movements. Excessive secretion of adrenaline causes the rapid consumption of magnesium, and in this case, magnesium deficiency can be seen. Care should be taken to consume sources of magnesium such as nuts, legumes, green leafy vegetables and whole grains

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