The Importance of Giving Your Child a Sense of Responsibility

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The Importance of Giving Your Child a Sense of Responsibility

A child who gains a sense of responsibility; become more successful in school life and human relations and can progress towards becoming a self-sufficient individual.
What is responsibility and why is it important?
Responsibility is the child’s fulfilling the tasks assigned to him, accepting the positive or negative consequences of a behavior and showing respect to others. The awareness of taking responsibility is usually brought to the family agenda for the first time in primary school age regarding homework and school success, and items such as family relations and fulfillment of promises are added to these issues with the adolescence period. However, it is very important that you give your child tasks and responsibilities that are appropriate for his age and development level as of the pre-school period, in order to raise a sense of responsibility in your child.

We recommend that you implement the following three basic steps to raise a sense of responsibility in your child:

Informing: Indicate concretely the behaviors you expect from your child.
Follow-up: In order for a behavior to become a habit, you should give it a certain time and determine in which situations the desired behavior occurs and in which situations it does not.
Giving feedback: After following for a while, you need to motivate your child to increase or maintain the behavior by giving feedback on his/her positive development.

And we have suggestions that will contribute to creating a sense of responsibility:

It is important to be motivating to show your child that when he fulfills the responsibilities expected of him, others will be more responsive to his wishes. You can only do this by emphasizing that you see his effort after the behavior done more instead of financial rewards, by doing activities that you can participate in and repeating that you are aware of his effort during your conversations,
Identifying the situations in which the expected behavior is exhibited and not exhibited, paying attention to what the hindering factors may be and taking precautions,
Not trying to give your child responsibility for several different issues at the same time,
You should try to give positive feedback as much as possible by focusing more on the situations where your child does not fulfill his responsibilities,
To be a reminder from time to time, but not to become boring, without confining your relationship to this responsibility education,
Most importantly, we recommend that you be Determined and Patient, keeping in mind that this will take time.

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