The Importance and Applications of Exercises in Baby Development

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The Importance and Applications of Exercises in Baby Development
Your baby, who is tiny at birth, starts to grow, lift his head, sit, crawl and walk after a while. This process, which you can’t even believe will grow from time to time, passes in the blink of an eye. In this process and in the future, one of the ways that your baby can have a healthy posture and mental health is through regular massages and exercises.

It is very important for babies between the ages of six months and two to practice exercise movements in the monthly development process, both physically and mentally. For this reason, parents should make their babies do exercises in accordance with the characteristics of the period.

What are the benefits of baby exercise? How is it applied?

In babies who exercise, the baby’s physical and mental development accelerates; The baby’s joints and muscles are developing. Babies’ body structures are more robust and shaped. There is no sitting disorder in infancy or in the future. Since the exercises started in infancy strengthen the muscles and provide muscle development, individuals who turn to sports in childhood and adopt sports as a lifestyle are growing up. In addition, spinal deformities or joint deformities are less common in these children.

Exercise also helps to encourage the baby and advance his social development. The self-confidence and school success of children who do sports or exercise increase during the school period.

Some studies have shown an increase in appetite in babies who exercise. Exercise not only improves the body, it is also a very effective method for babies who do not sleep and get cranky when it’s time to sleep.

2-6 months baby exercises

Lay the 2-6 month old baby on his back and have him hold your thumb with his hands. Grab your fingers to grasp his wrists, and slowly lift the baby’s arms back and forth, one by one, first the right and then the left. If the arms are not in harmony, this move can be a bit of a challenge.

Lay the baby face down and grasp the wrists with the head facing you and your thumb in the baby’s palm. Do the first lift slowly, very slightly.

Especially head control of babies 2-3. It starts after a month. Possible nervous system developmental retardation can also be detected early with the application of these exercises.

Be careful not to force him.

6-12 months baby exercises

6-12 month old babies can be exercised by increasing the number of movements in the 0-6 month period. It can be increased to 15 repetitions during the day. Especially after the 6th and 7th months, since the flexibility in the joints of the babies decreases, it is necessary to avoid compelling movements.

At the beginning level, provided that the armpits are held, 6 months later, the hand is placed in the palm of the baby with the thumb and the wrist is grasped. The baby swings forward, backward and left and right. This movement will provide the baby with a proper body structure.

Baby exercises after 1 year

Exercises are important as children start walking after 1 year. Again, in this period, toys can be used to exercise certain muscle groups.

The child is laid on his back and, by holding the ankle, is slowly lifted upwards until he is in the gap. After hanging on for a short time, the child is left in place and repeated. All these movements are performed on soft ground.

Lift the child by lying face down on his hands, with his hands on the floor, by holding his knees and calves, and encourage him to walk on his hands. These movements can also be repeated by placing toys a short distance away.

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