The Development of Your Baby’s 5 Sense Organs

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The Development of Your Baby’s 5 Sense Organs
Previously, it was thought that babies’ sense organs were very underdeveloped when they were born, but research shows that babies’ five senses are highly developed when they are born. Thanks to the sense organs that begin to develop in the mother’s womb, the baby’s sense organs, which recognize the voice and smell of its mother, continue to develop rapidly.

Development of the sense of sight
Although babies’ eyesight is not as good as adults, they are developed from the moment they are born.
A newborn baby can follow objects 10-15 cm away with his eyes. By the end of the first month, he can now focus on objects 30-40 cm away.
He can distinguish between day and night.
Eye muscles are not very developed yet. Therefore, when looking at distant objects, it may seem as if your eyes are slipping. This is quite normal.
Vivid colors, bright objects, slow-moving objects and human faces attract their attention more.
It can follow an object by turning its head 180 degrees.
Contrasting colored toys are more suitable for newborn babies as they can mix colors together.
Maintain constant eye contact with him to improve his eyesight.
The development of neck muscles is also effective on the development of vision. Because the baby focuses on objects by raising his head.
Change your direction both while breastfeeding and bottle feeding your baby. Thus, your baby works both eyes equally.

Hearing development
If a baby is born on time, he is born with the ability to hear.
Babies can also perceive low-level sounds.
It recognizes its mother’s voice and is more responsive to female voices and subtle voices.
While in the womb, it hears the mother’s blood pressure, heartbeat, perceives the sounds coming from the environment and records it in its memory.
Sounds such as vacuum cleaner, washing, dishwashing, drying and blow dryer have a relaxing effect on babies, as they are similar to the sounds they hear in the womb.
High volume and sudden sounds disturb babies and they may cry when they hear these sounds.

The development of the sense of smell
Babies are born with a highly developed sense of smell and taste.
At the end of the first trimester, the baby, who can now distinguish the smell of the mother’s food, begins to learn different smells after the birth.
From birth, they begin to distinguish between smells.
It also finds its mother’s nipple to suckle through this sense of smell.
The baby can distinguish his mother’s milk from someone else’s milk thanks to this sense of smell.
Thanks to this highly developed sense of smell of babies, it is possible to calm them down with the smells they are accustomed to.
For this reason, babies feel comfortable lying on their breasts and on their laps even if they do not suckle, because their favorite scent is their mother’s scent.
An item, toy or blanket that the mother smells is the best sleep companions of babies.

development of the sense of taste
Babies’ sense of taste is highly developed, just like their sense of smell.
Taste buds, which begin to develop in the mother’s womb, are fully formed until birth.
Babies are born with about 10,000 taste buds and these buds are very sensitive.
In the first period of their life, they are more sensitive to sweet things.
Tastes such as bitter, salty, sour are very intense for them, but gradually they learn these tastes and get used to them.
In the transition period to supplementary food, babies still prefer sweet tastes.
Studies suggest that mothers consume healthy foods from every food group during pregnancy because it is argued that this period has an effect on the shaping of the baby’s palate.
Since your baby will enjoy what you eat from breast milk after birth, what you eat has a great effect on his eating habits.
During the transition to solid food, you may have to try again and again while introducing your baby to new foods, you should be patient.

Development of the sense of touch
The sense of touch forms the basis of a person’s communication with the outside world.
Babies discover their sense of touch in the amniotic fluid in the womb.
There are many stimuli for the baby inside the womb. They often touch their own face, they develop this sense by holding their feet, cord tie.
Babies born with extra sensitive skin love being held, touched and petted when they are born.
Being in her mother’s lap and maternal touches relaxes her, calms her and relieves her pain.
The warmth that comes with touch gives them confidence.
Touch has a stimulating effect for the baby. Massaging the baby also helps him relax and sleep well.

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