Studies with Montessori Mathematics Materials

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Event Name: Relief figures.

Age group: 4+

Learning Outcomes and Indicators: Learning the writing forms of numbers. Learning the spelling of numbers belonging to quantities. Learning the basic alphabet of the decimal (10) system. Tactile learning of the spelling of numbers. Learning the names of the numbers. Learning the concept of quantity.

Learning Process: The educator goes with the child to the cupboard with the relief figures. Holding it properly, the trainer takes the number box and puts it on the table.

1. Stage: The child is offered an offer by saying “I want to work with you with relief figures today”. Together with the accepting child, a box of embossed figures is taken from the cupboard and brought to the table. The child sits to the left of the educator. The number box is placed in the upper left corner. The trainer says that we will learn how to write numbers with you now. He takes the plate with the number 1 and puts it out. The right hand strokes 1 with his writing fingers and calls it one as soon as the movement is finished. 1 is placed on the left side. He takes the number 2, strokes it, names it and puts it next to 1. 3 is introduced in the same way and placed next to the two.

Stage 2: The educator mixes the numbers and says to the child, show me 1. The child shows. The teacher rubs the number shown by the child and says 1. The child is expected to show 2 and 3 in the same way.

Stage 3: The educator puts a number in front of the child. He says what number did I give you and the child names it. The trainer names it by going over it. If the child gives an incorrect number, the educator will go over what the child has given and name it. He says I asked you for 3 and the boy gives three. 1, 2 and 3 are introduced this way. In other numbers, it is introduced on the same day or on another day, depending on the child’s condition. If we continue to introduce, 1, 2 and 3 are listed on the right side from top to bottom. The numbers 4, 5 and 6 are introduced as 1, 2 and 3 in the first step. In the second stage we want the child to show, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are mixed together and the educator asks the child to show a number. The third step is applied in the same way. 7, 8 and 9 are introduced in the same way. The educator takes the box with the embossed numbers with the child, takes it to the closet and places it.

0 is not introduced in this study. The number 0 is not brought to the table by leaving it in the cupboard, or it is placed last in the box.

Before this work, it is absolutely necessary to have worked with the touch pads.

If the child cannot learn without touching, he is allowed to touch as much as he wants.

After this stage, if the child wants to write the numbers with a pen, he is freed, but the child is not offered to do such a work.

Material: 10 number pads from 0 to 9 (including 0 and 9). Numbers are printed with white relief on a green background. These numbers are the ones digit and in all Montessori materials the ones digit is always green. The green ground should be smooth flat. The reliefs can also be made from velvet. The numbers are arranged in a row from 1 to 9 in the box. 0 stops at the end.

Words and Concepts: Number names.

Adaptation: These children can be studied with fewer numbers

Activity Name: Combination of Red Blue Sticks and Number Cards (Matching)

Age group: 4+

Gains and Indicators: Matching symbols of amounts. Matching abstract numbers with concrete sticks. Comprehending the number sequence from 1-10. Learning and conceptualizing the order of numbers. Indirectly learning to add, subtract, double and half quantities.

Learning Process: For this study, a carpet is laid on a suitable place. The child is given the opportunity to lay the carpet. The child is offered an offer by saying “I want to study number cards and amounts with you today”. The carpet is laid first with the accepting child. Then the number cards are taken from the locker and brought. The number cards box is placed on the right. The trainer shuffles the number cards onto the carpet. Since the number 10 is new, the educator points to 10 and calls it 10. The child also names. Then the trainer says, today we will match the red number cards with the red-blue sticks. The trainer gives the child a number card (for example three) and says bring me the 3 stick from there. The child brings the stick in his hand and puts it on the carpet with the red on the left side. The educator counts the stick brought by the child; Matches 1, 2, 3 and the number card by placing it next to it on the right side of the stick. The trainer gives the child another number card. He says bring me the 5 stick, brings the child, puts it on the carpet properly. The child or educator counts. The number card is placed next to it. All number cards and sticks are mapped in this way. The child takes the card at first, but then it may not be given. Since the educator teaches the ten-number card later, he deliberately leaves it last, and the ten bar comes last. Thus, sticks and number cards are mixed together. When collecting, starting from the 10 sticks, the sticks are moved in order and placed in the closet. Since the child knows this, he can carry and place the sticks. The teacher gives the 10-bar to the child. He can direct the child to take the longest of the remaining ones. Then the number cards are collected by the educator in order starting from 1 and placed in the box. The box is taken to the closet and left in its place. The child is given the opportunity to collect the carpet. If the child needs it, after the number 10 is introduced, other numbers can be introduced to remind them.

Material: Plates with numbers 1 to 10 (including 10) and red-blue bars. The number pads are in order from 1 to 10 inside the box. The red and blue bars are arranged in order from shortest to longest.

Words and Concepts: Numbers, long short, equivalent.

Event Name: Shuttle (Counting Stick) boxes.

Age group: 4+

Achievement and Indicators: Learning that quantities consist of units. Learning that the number “0” is empty by itself. Learning that there are no other digits from 0 to 9. Reinforce the ordering of numbers up to 10.

Learning Process: This work is done at the table. The child is given the opportunity to carry the table and chairs. The offer is taken by saying to the child that I want to work with you with counting sticks today. With the accepting child, the compartmented box is taken from the cupboard beforehand, carried appropriately, brought to the table and placed on the left side. The box with the counting sticks is brought and placed on the right. Then the trainer brings “0” from the embossed numbers and puts it in the middle of the table. The child sits to the left of the educator. In accordance with the rules of writing with the right hand writing fingers (counterclockwise), the educator strokes “0” and calls it zero. The child does the same. “0” is removed to the top of the table. The split box is pulled forward. Trainer; “You know the numbers on this box.” He says and makes the child read the numbers by pointing with his hand. Then he takes the shuttle box, opens the lid, removes the ribbons from it and puts it on the top with the lid. Educator: “Now we’re going to split these sticks into this box, each bin says how many sticks it wants.” says. The educator takes a right-handed stick from the box, lays it on the table and says a word. Makes eye contact with the child. Then he opens the palm of the left hand, puts the stick in the palm of the right hand and says something. With the left hand, he places (releases) the stick in his palm in one of its compartments. Then he takes another stick from the box, puts it on the table, says one, takes a second stick, leaves it on the table and says two. He opens his left hand, drops the first stick and says one, drops the second stick and says two. Places the sticks in the second compartment with the left hand. All rods are placed in compartments in this way. After the fifth division, the child can continue if he wishes. After all the sticks are in place, the trainer takes the box and says, “There are no sticks left in the box, the box is empty.” says. He takes the box, shows it to the boy and puts it on the top, closing the lid. The trainer shows the child the division “0”. It is said that the “0” division did not receive any rods, it should not have received any, or it already did not want any rods.Educator “Now we will connect the rods in the compartments.” saying, he takes one of the ribbons on the right and places it neatly in front of the divided box. The first section is skipped and the bar in between is not connected because it is single. The trainer takes a stick from the second compartment and puts it on the ribbon and says a word. He takes the second stick and puts it on the ribbon and says two. Tie the sticks properly, make a ribbon and reinsert them into the second compartment. Then she takes another ribbon and ties the sticks in the third section in the same way. All rods are connected in this way. After the fifth division, the child can continue if he wishes. The educator can help the child by holding the sticks while tying the sticks, or he can press the knot with his finger. All rods are collected after they are tied and placed.

When collecting: The trainer takes the box of number sticks, opens the lid and puts it in the front. The educator takes a stick from the first chamber, puts it in the box and says a word. The bars in the second compartment are taken. The ribbon and knot are properly untied, one stick is put in the box and called one, the second stick is put in the box and called two. The ribbon is taken and put on the top of the table. All sticks are placed in the box in this way. The ribbons are taken, straightened and placed next to the sticks and the lid of the box is closed. The number stick boxes and the number 0 are taken to the closet with the child and left in place.

Bug Check: Too many bars in the box or missing bars in the pods

Material: A box with 10 sections with the numbers 0-9 on the top (this can also be in the form of two separate boxes. There are sections between 0-4 and 5-9), 45 counting sticks and 8 of the same length, same color and feature. A box with pieces of ribbon. The color of the ribbon does not matter.

Words and Concepts: Shuttle, ribbon, knot.

Adaptation: These children can be worked with part of the box. Rubber bands can be attached to sticks instead of ribbons. If the child cannot tie the sticks, the educator will. The numbers in the divided box can be embossed or special numbers can be made for the visually impaired.

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