Sleep Problems and Solutions in Children!

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Sleep Problems and Solutions in Children!

What are sleep problems in children? What to do to make children sleepy? Is the child given sleeping pills? Does your child have trouble sleeping? Does your child have insomnia, bedtime fears and bedwetting problems? First of all, don’t worry! The problems mentioned above are common sleep problems of children.

If these problems occupy your mind like every parent, please read our article to the end.

How much sleep do children need?
Children and teens typically need more sleep than adults in order to grow, develop and function at their best cognitively and physically. Children and teens need at least 9 hours of sleep each night. When this need is not met, the performance of children at school, during extracurricular activities and in social relations is negatively affected.

What causes sleep problems in children?
Accidents and injuries
Behavior problems
to involuntary behavior
to emotional turmoil
Memory, attention and learning problems
to poor performance
slower reaction times
to overeat

What are the symptoms of sleep problems in children?
Does your child show any of the following signs of sleep problems?

difficulty falling asleep
trouble staying awake during the day
Unexplained decline in daytime performance
Unusual events that occur during sleep, such as sleepwalking or nightmares
teeth grinding
restless sleep
Trouble waking up in the morning

When should I be nervous as a parent?
If your child has trouble sleeping more than three times a week for several months and this is significantly disrupting your child’s daytime activities, it may indicate insomnia or another sleep disorder.

What are the causes of insomnia in children?
Children also experience stress. Stress in children often arises from problems at school or at home. Difficulty keeping up with the classroom and peer bullying are among the sources of stress experienced by children. Stress at home can stem from parents’ marital problems or the arrival of a new baby.
Many sodas and energy drinks contain caffeine, which can keep kids awake at night. Try to limit your child’s consumption after lunch. Better yet, remove such drinks from your child’s life.
Side effects of drugs:
Some medications, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and antidepressants, can also cause insomnia in children.
Other medical problems:
There may be a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome, or perhaps a stuffy nose from allergies, growing pains or itchy skin from eczema may be the root cause of insomnia in children. Checking your child for regular health checkups can help you identify problems that may be affecting a child’s sleep.

Tips for improving your child’s sleep:
First of all, if your child has any of the above sleep-related problems, I would recommend you to follow the suggestions below instead of using hearing aids, taking vitamin supplements and resorting to different ways.

Set a normal time to go to bed each night and don’t compromise on that.
Establish a relaxing sleep habit, such as giving your child a warm bath or reading a story.
Do not give children any caffeinated food or drink 6 hours before bedtime.
Make sure the temperature in the bedroom is comfortable and the bedroom is dark.
Make sure the noise level in the house is low.
Avoid feeding children extravagant foods close to bedtime.
Encourage the child to engage in mental activities such as reading and painting, as too much activity near bedtime can keep children awake.
While the child is sleeping, the television, computer, mobile phone should not be turned on. TV and video games should be turned off at least 1 hour before bedtime.
Babies and children should be taken to their own bed when they look tired but still awake (rather than sleeping in your arms or in another room).
Avoid sleeping with your child to put them to sleep.

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