Sensitivity Periods in Children According to the Montessori Method

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In addition to determining the physical characteristics of children such as height and hair color, there is another cognitive plan that determines their emotional and mental characteristics. These qualities develop within certain processes, which Montessori calls “periods of sensitivity.” According to Montessori, the periods of sensitivity are limited to the acquisition of a certain character and for a certain period of time, and each character can only be determined with the help of a temporary power. Although development is a hereditary power inherent in living things, if the child does not act according to the directions of the sensitive periods, he will lose the opportunity to learn naturally.

During these sensitive periods, the child focuses on a particular skill and puts the others aside. And in the process of acquiring a skill, he works on the same thing over and over. If the child develops the skill he is working on, the child will feel happy and relieved with the acquisition of that skill.

According to Montessori, there is a force within children that drives them to activity. Thanks to these periods of sensitivity, children come into contact with the world around them with great passion and enthusiasm. Since children’s rapid learning takes place under the influence of these periods, the life of the child in this period is very active and lively. The inner sensitivities of the child allow him to choose what is useful and necessary for him. In this way, the child becomes sensitive to some things and indifferent to others.

Each period of sensitivity is a kind of impulse that pushes children to question the objects and relationships in their environment in order to reveal their special potential. Knowing the periods of sensitivity makes it easier for us to understand our child. You create an awareness of what his actions mean. What is gained in these periods continues for life. If these periods are missed, it takes effort to gain them later in life.

-A period of time when children focus their attention on one particular thing in the environment and exclude other things.

It’s a passion and commitment.

It comes from the unconscious and directs children to conscious and creative activities.

It is an intense and long-term activity that does not cause fatigue and distress, on the contrary, it creates a constant energy and interest.

It is a temporary condition that disappears when understood and perceived.

-Once time has passed, they cannot be regained, or they can be earned with a lot of effort.

The sensitivity periods are as follows;
0-2 months : Suction (necessary for life)

2-5 months: Grasping and holding hands, looking intently at the person speaking

9-15 months: Tongue burst. Syllables make sounds. Makes speaking practices. For example, we can tell the baby what we do during the diaper change. We should respect the baby from birth.

8-24 months: Sensitivity to walking

1.5-6 years: Courtesy, grace, good behavior. The more correct examples are compared and encouraged, the more these abilities will be applied.

2-4 years: Sensitivity to layout, detail and sensory exploration. Sensitivity to miniature objects and using the senses

3 years: Peak of order sensitivity. The irritability in children comes from the desire for order. First, it is necessary to prepare the environment, and then to prepare a routine there.

3.5-4.5 years: Sensitivity to writing

4.5-5 years: Reading, math

3-6 years: Basic number functions, hierarchy

7-9 years : The structure of the language

6-12 years: Use of imagination. art, music, biology

6-18 years: It is a social being. Gaining experiences

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