Self-Care Skills and Activities of Daily Living

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Self-care skills and activities of daily living
Self-care skills are very important skills for our children. It allows them to do their own work on their own. When children feel that they are self-sufficient without being dependent on others, their self-confidence will increase. It will be one of the best gifts we can give to our children throughout their lives by accepting that they are also individuals when they are babies and supporting them to gain self-confidence by responding to their needs.

The future eating habits of a child who feels imprisoned in a highchair and eats without even being aware of what he is eating while looking at the advertisements in front of him will be different from the future eating habits of a child who sits at the table hungrily to eat his own food with his own order at the table. We usually only focus on what your baby eats, but the eating habits we introduce to your baby do not only include the food that he takes in his mouth or goes into his stomach. At what times and in what order he eats, gaining the habit of eating by himself, enjoying the food he eats, gaining table manners, helping to tidy the table etc. All behaviors begin and continue with habits gained from today. And without any coercion; coming from within your child. Thanks to these little teachings, it will be much easier to force your child to eat food in the future, to comply with the table setting, to set up a pleasant meal order together, to teach solidarity in housework, and to ensure that he meets his own needs. Therefore, if you do not want to be comfortable in the future and say “let’s go” to your child about everything, we recommend that you make sure that you acquire certain habits from these days.

Is your baby thumb sucking?
Sucking is a natural reflex and need for babies. The innate sucking ability allows the baby to find the mother’s breast and satisfy her hunger. Sucking is also a calming and pleasant activity for babies.

It may not always be enough for the baby to just suck the mother. In this process, the first fingers your baby finds as a result of his search. Unless this situation continues in later ages, it does not need to be stopped. Generally, towards the end of the first year, your baby’s need to suckle starts to decrease, but some babies may have already made it an enjoyable habit and it may be difficult for some babies to give up the habit.

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