Practical Life Studies by Montessori

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According to the Montessori philosophy, it is important for the child to be able to meet his/her needs independently without an adult. This competence reinforces the child’s self-confidence and promotes physical and mental development. In addition, to meet their needs independently, to prepare their own clothes, to prepare the table, to eat in his/her room, to eat his/her food, to chat with the guests will free the child and help him/her to understand he/she has the free will; this will also will allow him/her to discover himself/herself.

You have noticed that children are more interested in the items their parents use than children’s toys. They open and close the drawers, they want to help to clean the house, they get into these activities. The impulse to do it on its own is in the child innately, and their interests prove it.

In practical life activities, all the materials that children will use are real, just the size they can use. In the philosophy of Montessori pretending method is not used. Children do real things with real tools. They can wash and filter the salads, they can tie her own laces, they can fold and put away their things in their room. Practical life activities include activities that will support and enable children’s self-care and practical life activities; they will help them discover themselves.

Children who complete their practical life studies develop a personality that loves their work, has a sense of responsibility, does not give up in the face of difficulties, is able to cope with problems and is at peace with themseland their environment.


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