Nonverbal Communication in Children

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Nonverbal Communication in Children

Good communication is of great importance in both your private and business life. While we can express the importance of verbal and written communication more easily, many studies indicate that nonverbal communication takes a large place in interpersonal relations.

In the article below, you can find the points you can pay attention to in your child’s nonverbal communication and a few points to notice and improve your own skills.

-By paying attention to your child’s eye contact, gestures, body posture, body movements and tone of voice, you can get a lot of information that he or she cannot orally transmit.
-Consistent transmission of the given message to the other party requires that verbal and nonverbal communication be consistent with each other. If you observe that the person’s words and body language do not match, you may need to approach the issue more carefully and carefully. For example, if your child is looking at the ground and looking away that everything is fine, this may be a point to be considered. Many studies have also stated that when people observe a contradiction between body language and what is being told, they pay more attention to the person’s non-verbal communication.
-Likewise, as parents, you should make sure that your child supports what you say in your body language when conveying your messages. For example, an unhappy, reluctant expression on his face when he says “Yes” when he asks you “Can I play in the park with my friends?”
-If you have observed a contradiction between your child’s body language and what he says, you can point it out. If, as in the first example, he is conveying that everything is fine with an unhappy non-verbal communication by looking at the ground, you can make a comment such as “You seem sorry to me” and create an opportunity to open up to him.
-When speaking, your tone of voice provides great information to the other person. For example, with which tone and emotion we read the written messages, different meanings can be obtained. That’s why it’s important to use a tone of voice that suits the emotion you want to convey.
-Maintaining eye contact with the person you are talking to means that you are interested in them and listening to what they have to say. When talking to your child, it is important that you go down to his eye level. Your child should be making eye contact when speaking to or listening to you. Do not forget that it will also model you in the type of communication.
-In the environment in which you communicate, it is of great importance in evaluating verbal and nonverbal communication. Some environments may require more formal communication, and these behaviors may be evaluated in a very different way in a different setting. For this reason, it is important to evaluate whether verbal communication and body language are suitable for the environment.
-When evaluating body language, it would be more accurate to interpret the whole body language as a group, rather than just a single facial expression or gesture. Because a single nonverbal communication can have many different reasons. For example, the fact that the person takes his focus from you from time to time may be due to a discomfort in his eyes.

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