Motor Development Guide for Babies by Month

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Motor Development Guide for Babies by Month
Babies need to learn how to use their bodies to make various movements. This is a process known as motor development. Initially, babies’ movements are uncontrolled and reflex-based. As their brains develop, reflexive behaviors begin to decline and motor development increases. Over time, they learn to use their bodies to perform both gross and fine motor skills. The motor development chart in infants by month occurs as follows:

1 Month Old Baby
Much of your baby’s first month of life behavior is reflex based. As the nervous system matures, it can activate its thoughts. Some of the newborn reflexes include:

-He can raise his head momentarily.
-When lying on his back, he can turn his head to the side.
-He can keep his hands clasped.
-It has a strong grasping reflex, it can grasp the extended finger.
-It can follow objects moving in front of it up to an angle of 45 degrees.

2 Months Old Baby
During this period, reflex-based movements begin to decrease. He makes attempts to control his head.

-He can raise his head at a 45-degree angle while lying on his stomach.
-The grasping reflex is reduced.
-When held in a sitting position, his head is tilted forward.

3 Month Old Baby
Lying on his tummy, your baby can now start to lift his head and chest by supporting it with his arms. Hand and arm movements develop rapidly during this period. He tries to open his fist and hold it to -objects. He can explore his hand by bringing his hands in front of his face and putting them in his mouth.

-Begins to bear the partial weight of both legs when held upright.
-He can lift his head and shoulders between 45 and 90 degrees while lying on his stomach.
-Holds objects but cannot reach them.

4 Month Old Baby
Your baby may start trying to roll over in bed this month. Also, his neck muscles begin to develop and he can control his head more easily.

-He begins to control his head.
-Can sit with support.
-It carries some weight on its legs when held upright.
-It raises the head and chest surface at a 90 degree angle.
-Grasps objects with both hands.
-Tries to reach objects but cannot.

5 Month Old Baby
Your baby’s muscles continue to strengthen, he can lie on the object in front of him and continue to sit with support.

-Holds and grasps objects voluntarily.
-He can hold his head upright while sitting.
-It can roll over on its back while lying on its face.

6 Month Old Baby
During this period, your baby may begin to crawl. You can encourage your baby to lift himself by laying him on his stomach. Your baby’s efforts can strengthen his arms and legs. Thus, he can crawl more easily.

-Can lift part of the chest and put the weight on the hands while prone.
-It can chew and bite.
-It can roll over while lying on its back.
-Can grasp and control small objects.
-He can change the position of his body to see an object.
-It can hold bottles.
-He can turn his head to the side and look up and down.

7 Month Old Baby
Your baby can now sit up unassisted, reaching for and picking up toys. He can hold the glass and drink water and eat with a spoon.

-Can sit without support.
-Can lean forward on both hands.
-Can hold an object in hand while lying face down.
-He can transfer the item from one hand to the other.
-It can carry all its weight on its feet.

8 Month Old Baby
Your baby starts to get stronger during this period. Can stand with assistance from furniture.

-Can sit comfortably without support.
-It carries its own weight and can hold onto furniture.
-He can adjust his posture to reach an object.
-He can release objects in his hand.
-It can reach distant objects.

9 Month Old Baby
He may begin to crawl while holding a toy in one hand. Some babies can crawl up the stairs. For this reason, you may consider increasing the security measures in your home.

-He starts to crawl.
-Gets into a standing position while sitting.
-It sits for as long as 10 minutes.
-He can determine which hand to use.
-Uses thumb and index finger to pick up objects.

10 Months Baby
It can stand and crouch or walk around holding hands. Walking for your baby is now just a few months away. So you can expect your baby to be more on the move soon.

-Gets into a sitting position while lying face down.
-It balances easily while sitting.
-Lifts one foot to take a step while standing.

11 Month Old Baby
Your baby may try to let go of your hand to take a step alone. It can even walk independently. Some babies during this period may try to stand on their toes or on one foot.

-May walk holding on to furniture or other objects.
-Can put objects in the box one after another.
-Can reach out again to pick up an object while sitting.

12 Month Old Baby
When your baby turns one year old, he can start to take his first steps. He can do things like eating by himself, turning the pages of a storybook, trying to put on his own clothes.

-He walks with support with one hand.
-He can stand alone and try to take his first steps alone.
-It can take a sitting position while standing.
-It tries to overlap two blocks, but may fail.
-Can turn book pages.

12-18 Months Baby
He starts running and enjoys climbing on things like sofas. He may try to take off his clothes and will start brushing his teeth with your help.

-It can build a tower two blocks high.
-Holds hands.
-He can wave his hands to say “goodbye”.
-Can pick up objects with a spoon or a small shovel.
-Can do doodles on paper with crayons.
-He can walk quickly.
-He can hit the ball with his foot.

18- 24 Months Old Baby
Your baby can now walk comfortably and pull toys behind him while walking. It will take most of your baby’s time to explore their own physical and developmental limits over the next few years.

-He can eat with the help of a spoon.
-It can jump on two legs.
-It can go up and down stairs.
-It can pick something up without falling.

Motor Developmental Retardation in Infants
It is important to remember that babies have a unique development. Every child can develop at different rates and times. However, detecting developmental delay early can enable the child to advance his/her development or catch up with the natural process. Don’t panic if your child doesn’t follow the developmental timeline.

Conditions that appear to be developmental delays in children can sometimes be caused by minor problems. Babies born prematurely may not have the same muscle strength and development as other babies. This can cause a delay in motor skills that develop over time. Babies lagging behind in speaking or comprehending what is being said may be due to temporary hearing loss due to recurrent ear infections. First of all, talk to your doctor about the delays you observe in your child’s development.

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