Montessori Cosmic Education Studies

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According to Montessori, the world itself is much more interesting than all pictures and books. This excellent creation should be presented to children as it is and in all its details. Because relating to facts arouses interest and inspires children. For this, it is sufficient to investigate the realities of the details, and the child can create the whole concept only through imagination.

All materials, tables, chairs, glasses, plates, etc. in a Montessori school. Everything is from natural materials. Because according to the Montessori philosophy, it is not possible to become an environmentalist afterwards. It introduces the child to natural materials, and in the first years of his life, by giving the awareness of the environment and nature, it provides the formation of a settled behavior in the child.

“From a very young age, we should not make children forget that the world we live on does not belong only to us, that is why we share them with other living things while using resources. Man should not forget the responsibility of being the smartest creature on the planet he lives on.”
Maria Montessori

That’s why in a Montessori school children plant plants, fruits, trees. One or more children are responsible for plant care every day. Another child becomes responsible for giving leftovers, spilled crumbs to the animals. All papers, batteries, glass etc. throws it in the recycle bin. And the oldest of them is 6 years old.

In the Montessori classroom, the geography lesson is not shown as a separate field, but as parts of other lessons. Geography is taught to the child through his senses. It is like teaching the land and water parts of the world with the sense of touch in a world model. In another material, seas, continents, countries are experienced by separating their shapes and colors. The traditions and customs of different cultures, country maps, country flags are presented at the level of curiosity of the child and with completely real information.

Montessori says that the facts of the world are presented so that children can gain experiences. In this regard, geography teaches real events, allowing children to imagine the lives of people in other countries.

Political geography is explained with puzzle maps. This allows the child to imagine. E.g; How do people live in the Arctic? The child’s encounter with reality; It will increase the child’s interest in learning in the future by arousing interest, admiration and curiosity about everything from the yellowing of leaves to the change of seasons, a fruit picked from a blooming tree, a plant grown from a seed.

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