Montessori and Freedom Within Boundaries

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Freedom within limits is a fundamental Montessori concept. This concept may seem contradictory when first heard. After all, borders and freedom are opposite concepts. Some parents may also worry that the absence of rules will lead to bad behavior.

So what is freedom within borders?

Montessori offers freedom within limits with the design of the ready environment. Open shelves in the prepared environment, the child can do everything himself, choose his activity and how long he will work; explains the definition of freedom within limits. This environment leads the child to act freely and choose his own behavior within appropriate limits.

Montessori philosophy has 3 basic rules, all other behaviors are fed from these 3 rules.
1) Self-respect
2) Respect for others
3) Respect for the environment

Types of Freedom According to Montessori

Freedom of movement

According to Montessori, children are free to move around the space and move from one activity to another. By allowing freedom of movement, children learn to explore their surroundings.

freedom of choice
Freedom of choice is essential for the Montessori approach. Because choice allows children to explore their own needs, interests and talents. In addition, freedom of choice encourages children to be involved in their learning.

freedom of time
The freedom of time allows children to work with the same activity for as long as they want. This encourages children to learn at their own pace, improving concentration skills and learning patience.

Freedom of repetition
In repetition work, children learn to correct their mistakes and solve problems on their own.

Freedom of communication
Montessori encourages children’s self-expression and communication. Children discuss activities, learn to solve problems and develop their social skills.

freedom to make mistakes
The design of Montessori materials encourages children to explore the results of the activity themselves. Each material is designed with a visual error check. This helps the child understand the outcome of the activity through practical learning experiences.

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