Many Toys or Many Games?

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Many Toys or Many Games?
Toys should be just a tool for play. Therefore, it is not important what the toy is and its number, but how it is played. The thing you should pay attention to when choosing a toy for your child is not its popularity, but the benefit it will provide to your child. Remember that your child does not need expensive toys for development. Even without the need for toys, you can have a pleasant time with your child and contribute to his development, even with small appliances at home. In the Kidokit application, we offer you both toy options that you can make with the materials at home and toy alternatives that we think might be useful for you to buy. Of course, what kind of games you play with that toy and how you play it is as important as owning the toy. Studies show that with fewer toys, children play more efficiently and their creativity develops more. Because; In this case, your child has to discover new games by using his creativity with the few materials he has. Too many toys can narrow the imagination of the child. If your child has many toys, it is enough to play with a toy of his choice without having to daydream. This is a situation that limits creativity. There may be toys that your child never touches. Do not throw these toys away, keep them. It’s either an older toy, or it’s less appealing among crowd toys. Toys should be just a tool for play. Therefore, it is not important what the toy is and its number, but how it is played.

If your child has a lot of toys, hide them and reveal a few. Thus, your child can create games in different ways with limited toys. Since he will forget the toys you have hidden, he will start playing eagerly as if they were just bought when you bring him out again.

When choosing toys, choose toys that will support your child’s creativity and imagination. Crayons, play dough, puzzles and legos must be among your choices.

Different games and fictions with similar materials will help your children to increase their imagination and expand their vision from infancy. Every game we recommend to you in our application can support your child’s development in different areas at that time. Every child loves to play games. The best thing you can do is to offer them the right games and toys in the right environment.

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