Loss of Self-Confidence in Children

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Loss of Self-Confidence in Children

What are the Factors Caused by the Loss of Self-Confidence in Children?

The greatest desire of parents is to raise a self-confident child who is self-confident. But sometimes children begin to lack self-confidence. So, what is the reason for this lack of self-confidence in children?

Lack of Self Confidence in Children

The lack of self-confidence in a child is mostly caused by the wrong behaviors of the parents without realizing it. Sometimes, it may be because of the child’s own nature. Lack of self-confidence in a child is very important. The lack of self-confidence that starts in childhood can increase even more in adolescence. Therefore, if parents have a child with low self-esteem, they should immediately try to resolve it.

All Causes of Loss of Self-Confidence in Children

  • Problematic parents and negative behaviors of parents towards the child cause a loss of self-confidence in the child. ,
  • Divorced parents.
  • The fact that parents constantly fight with each other and this child witnesses all the fights causes a lack of self-confidence in the child.
  • The mother or father’s distrust of their child begins to cause a loss of self-confidence in the child. The child of a mother and father who says you can’t do it or you can’t do it, loses self-confidence.
  • When the child starts to express the negativities in himself, it is a sign of loss of self-confidence. If this is not noticed by the parents in the future, the child’s loss of self-confidence increases. 
  • Loss of self-confidence in the child increases when the child receives too many negative reactions from his environment when he cannot achieve a situation. Especially if the parents overreact to the child, the child not only loses self-confidence but also loses enthusiasm. Begins to become unresponsive to mother and father. 
  • If the expectation of the family and the close environment from the child is too high, that is, if the child is burdened with more responsibility than can be done, then this causes a lack of self-confidence.
  • Reacting because the child is not able to do an activity that is not in their area of ​​interest.
  • If the family constantly scolds the child for their expectations and tells him to do it by putting pressure, the child also loses self-confidence.
  • The child’s constant feeling of parental pressure on him causes a loss of self-confidence.
  • Making the child see himself as inadequate causes a lack of self-confidence.
  • The fact that the parents act as if the child does not exist, and they only take care of themselves, creates a feeling of worthlessness on the child. This feeling creates a loss of self-confidence on the child in the future.
  • The lack of attention of the child’s teacher or friends causes a loss of self-confidence.
  • A child’s lack of self-confidence causes a loss of self-confidence. If the child is not confident in a subject, the parents should talk to the child about that subject.
  • The fact that the child sets high goals for himself and cannot achieve these goals creates a loss of self-confidence on the child. If the child sets big goals that he cannot do, the parents should talk to the child about this issue and say that if the child wants it very much, he should do it, but if he cannot do it, nothing bad will happen.
  • If the child is in a pessimistic mood, it causes a lack of self-confidence.
  • When parents compare the child with their siblings or peers, their child begins to lose self-confidence.

How to Prevent Loss of Self-Confidence in Children?

If there is a child who has a loss of self-confidence, parents should first question themselves. He needs to find out if there is something missing or wrong with him. Because the loss of self-confidence that develops in children is very often caused by the behavior of their parents. After the mother and father think about whether there is a problem in them, they should stop doing the behaviors that lower the child’s self-confidence. If the problem is not in the mother or father, the child should be taken to a child psychiatrist or pedagogue.

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