Language and Sensory Development

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Language and Sensory Development

He learns that objects can change shape and that they are cold and hot. To reinforce these learnings, you can present objects to him, and you can say the names and qualities of the objects you give for the development of concepts. For example, if you have to express your milk from time to time, you can slowly say “milk” and “warm” by looking into his eyes and showing the bottle in your hand when you hand him the warm bottle. Then you can say “apple” or “cold” by handing an apple out of the fridge. It is very important in this period to use real objects as much as possible while teaching the concepts. As a matter of fact, children learn from simple to complex and from concrete to abstract. It would be right for us to convey concrete and real information to our children, especially between the ages of 0-3. Since they are new to the world, the more real and concrete the information they encounter, the more they experience with those objects using all their senses, the easier and more memorable it will be for them to learn. For example, when an apple is being introduced, giving the apple to his hand to examine, bite, and smell will ensure that he has both holistic knowledge about the apple and that this information is permanent. However, showing the picture of the apple or conveying information to it by talking about the apple without using a visual are more abstract transfers. Perception and permanence of information become more difficult. The best thing you can do at the age of 0-3 is to make the apple meet with itself first; it will allow you to examine the apple with all your senses, and in the later stages, you will transfer the information by comparing the apple itself with its picture.

And the Laughs Began…

When you speak, it will now respond with a smile and make speech-oriented sounds. Meeting these voices with excited facial expressions and responding to them will encourage their efforts. Studies show that children who are spoken more have faster intelligence development. From these months on, you will see that your baby’s facial expressions will gain more meaning. By observing and learning about his expression and reactions, you will be able to communicate with him more easily.

Sometimes your baby will make pleasant and harmonious sounds in song-like or monosyllable and two-syllable expressions, and sometimes he will cry out joy to himself. All of these are examples of his efforts to test his skills and develop language.

While washing and dressing your baby, you can introduce him especially to his body parts. You can show the hands, fingers, feet, eyes, nose and mouth and name each one when you touch it, and you can repeat these names with little songs. By gently touching your finger to your nose and eyes, you can clean the nose, eyes, etc. You can repeat names. After a while, when you say these names, he will start touching his nose and eyes himself!

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