How to Apply Montessori Education at Home?

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Montessori education basically aims for children to know their own responsibilities, to be self-sufficient and to be able to do their work independently of their parents. Parents who want to apply the Montessori method at home should also have this point of view, and they should be conscious of not interfering with their children’s work and supporting them.

In its simplest form, what should parents who want to practice Montessori Education at home do?

Preparing the Appropriate Environment
First of all, it is important for children to be able to reach their bed, toys and books without waiting for help and support from their parents. The children’s room should be prepared in this way, and it should be turned into a living space where the child can live on his own.

In other parts of the house, a structure can be established where children can move independently of their parents. With items in the form of safe steps, many issues such as reaching the height to wash their own hands in the bathroom, having a glass and jug where they can put water, finding a suitable place for them to throw their own garbage can be considered and a suitable ground can be prepared.

Correct Communication
The Montessori philosophy believes that the child has an intrinsic motivation, and when this motivation is supported, it is ensured that he can reach the potential person he will be in the future. The purpose of communication with the child should be to keep this internal motivation alive. For individuals who are not dependent on external and praise, but act with their own inner motivation; should be approached with support, not with praise.

In addition, the process should be valued, not the result, the child’s actions in the process should be evaluated, not the result of the child’s activities, and the focus should be on the process in communication.

Activities Appropriate for the Sensitivity Period
During the first 6 years of life, children have periods when they are sensitive with absorbent mental function. Children have a faster learning speed in the subject they are sensitive to in these periods, and they will never have this learning speed and capacity later on. In these subjects, activities suitable for children are prepared and their development is supported.

According to Montessori, children in the sensitive period acquire information not directly with their minds, but through their senses. For this reason, information should be given to the child in this period not through direct narration, but through materials.

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