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Walking, running, eating by grasping fork and knife, changing the channel by reaching for the TV remote… How ordinary, non-skillful activities, aren’t they? Yes, maybe that’s how it sounds to us until we have a child! After becoming parents, we have the opportunity to observe how much effort our child puts into learning the simplest movements. The basic knowledge you will gain about motor development in children can enable you to help them in their efforts. Children’s ability to move depends on the development of their motor skills.

Motor skills, with its most basic definition, are the coordination of our body with our mind. The motor development of the child starts from the moment he is born and is largely completed between the ages of 0-6, that is, in the pre-school period. The motor development of the child is not only important for his cognitive and physical development, but also for his ability to act independently, to see himself as a separate individual and to gain self-confidence.

What are Gross Motor Skills?
Gross motor skills are movements made with large muscle groups. Movements using arms, legs or the whole body are among the gross motor skills. Walking, crawling, running, jumping and almost all sports activities are included in this group. It is important for the child to move freely in his daily life, to provide body coordination and for his physical development.

What are Fine Motor Skills?
Fine motor skills are movements using small muscle groups. Specifically, it is the name given to the movements performed by directing the muscles in the hands and fingers. Fine motor skills include writing, painting, and any activity using tools.

How to Develop Gross Motor Skills
When supported with the right activities, motor development in children can be accelerated and increased to higher levels. The two most important elements that support gross motor development are practice and repetition. Every activity in which your child will repeat the same movement many times will contribute to gross motor development.

How to Develop Fine Motor Skills
The development of fine motor skills accelerates from the age of 2. From this age, the child should be allowed to do their own daily work using their hands. For example, your child can button their own buttons, tie their shoes, or put on and take off their clothes on their own. Even if it is difficult at first, time should be given to develop himself. Small donations are of course free!

It is also very beneficial for the child to try to eat his own food from the age of 2, using a spoon and fork, in terms of developing fine motor skills.

Activities Related to Gross Motor Development
Spacious and barrier-free environments where the child can move freely are ideal for games that support gross motor development. Especially on suitable days, the opportunity to play outdoors should not be missed. For example;

Bubble: You can play a game where you can make bubbles from foam and have your child run around to pop them. You can arrange this as a race between you; Whoever pops the most balloons wins.

Kite: Kite flying is an ideal activity that works all the body muscles. If you make your kite yourself with your child instead of buying it ready-made, you will also contribute to fine motor skills.

Cycling: Cycling is one of the most typical gross motor activities. For the weather, where seasonal conditions are not suitable for cycling, you can buy children’s exercise bikes used at home or visit indoor playgrounds.

Activities Related to Fine Motor Development
Many fun activities can be derived to support fine motor development. Moreover, these activities will allow you to have fun at home with your child. Some examples of fine motor skills activities:

Cookie Coloring: With the help of food dyes and brushes, you can have your child paint cookies, create pictures and patterns. This activity is an opportunity for your child to develop their fine motor skills as well as reveal their creativity.

Necklace from Pasta: You can make a necklace from pasta by using pasta types with a hole in the middle, such as pen pasta, elbow pasta or bead pasta, and string. Color can be given to the pasta by using gouache paint or watercolor.

Finger Puppets: You can play a game with your child by making 2 sets of finger puppets, one of which is suitable for your hand and the other in a suitable size for your child’s hand, by moving the puppets and making them talk. If your child is over 3 years old, you can work together to make finger puppets. For example, you can make eyes from buttons and hair from ribbons.

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