How is Montessori Education Applied?

by admin

-You may have wondered how Montessori education is given and whether it is necessary to be an expert for this. You can also apply Montessori education at home.
-To learn the details of this philosophy, you can benefit from the Montessori education book options and articles, and if you wish, you can contact the institutions that issue a Montessori education certificate.
-The duration of the Montessori education course and the type of education may vary according to the institutions.
-You can also apply Montessori education at home.
-If you are a working mother and father, you can send your children to schools where they will receive this education.
-Even if you are a teacher, it will be very useful for you, your students, and your children, if any, to know the details of the Montessori system.

Montessori Education for the Home:
Montessori bedroom plans should be made for the child to grow more freely and develop himself. Since the child will spend most of the day in his room, his room should be arranged with a Montessori approach. For this:

-Items must be easily accessible by children. His individual belongings and toys should always be at hand.
-The bed should not be too high. The child should be able to get into and out of bed at any time.
-Care should be taken to ensure that his favorite toys are collected in boxes in an orderly manner.
-When separating toys, you can classify them by type. Like Legos, cars, dolls…
-With the Montessori approach, which also gives importance to individuality in nutrition, children should be able to eat whenever they want.
-It will be important in this regard that fruits or snacks are visible and easily accessible.
-An environment should be created in which children can trust themselves and do successful work.
-Toys in which the muscles will work more actively, especially the fingers will be in motion, should be preferred.

Montessori Education for School:
-Child-oriented classes are organized in Montessori schools and education is shaped according to the child’s interest.
-Different daily planning should be done for each lesson at school. If the child’s psychological state does not accept the education that day, a different -alternative is offered.
-The teacher plays a very important role in this education. It should never make you feel instructive. They should give the child what they want to give in mutual communication and expecting respect.
-An environment in which he can communicate respectfully with his environment should be provided.
-It should be ensured that there are stimulants that develop all types of intelligence.
-Children can express themselves easily in an environment where they feel safe.

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