Gaining the Habit of Reading to Babies and Children

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Gaining the Habit of Reading to Babies and Children
Most parents know how important it is to read to their children and to start reading early. But he thinks it is very difficult when reading a book to very young babies because he does not understand, because babies only want to bite the book, and do not want to sit at the beginning of the book at all.

In fact, all babies do the same things. Even if you think your baby or child does not enjoy books, remember that he or she will learn something. Because books and reading are the most effective ways to learn.

What are the Benefits of Reading to My Baby?
Reading to your child has many benefits. These;

It enables early recognition of sounds, words and language,
Increases vocabulary and diversity,
It expands the world of dreams,
Helps brain development
It improves the ability to focus,
Strengthens social and communication skills,
It enables them to gain new experiences and knowledge,
Learns to recognize and deal with emotions,
It allows him to connect with you,
It allows you to spend time together,
It supports you to create a routine.

When Should I Start Reading to My Baby?
The sooner you start reading to your baby, the better. Even in the womb, your baby can hear what you are talking about. That’s why you can start reading even before your baby is born. But you may not be able to read because taking care of the baby after birth takes a lot of your time and makes you very tired. Don’t feel guilty yourself. Whenever you feel comfortable, you can start reading.

But especially when your baby starts to turn 4 months old, it will be easier to play with him and of course to read a book. How many books you read can vary depending on your baby’s age and your daily activities. In the first months, your reading time may be 1-2 minutes, but as your baby reaches school age, these times will increase up to 30 minutes. Of course, taking time to read a book, even for 1-2 minutes, is very important in terms of establishing a routine for your baby.

How Should I Read to My Child?
Reading to your baby and children will help them love books and improve their reading skills in the future. What you can do for this;

Start reading books at an early age. The sooner you start reading to your baby, the better.
Read books from birth. Babies’ brains can pick out words and sense the difference in tone in your voice.
While reading to your baby, read slowly, emphasize the words and spend time on the page. This allows your baby to focus on words and pictures.
Turn the pages. Teach your baby to turn pages. Let him learn how to use the book.
Change your tone of voice while reading the book. Your baby learns to perceive different sounds. Sometimes just telling the pictures is enough without reading the story.
Create a private reading space in your home. Create a reading area in the form of a bookcase with cushions or a custom armchair.
Try to establish a routine, try to read at least one book at certain times every day.
While reading a book, turn off the TV and phones and stay away from distracting environments.
While reading a book, try to attract your baby’s attention by making different sounds, gestures and movements. Focus on whatever interests your baby. Remember that at first he will want to spend a very short time.
Leave the choice of books to your child. Let him turn the pages.
Let him look at the pictures.
Follow with your fingers while reading. After a while, he will imitate you.
Make books a part of your daily life. Read a book in the car, in the garden, on vacation or even in the bathroom before sleep.
Children love to look at and read the same books. Reading the same books increases repetition and makes learning easier.
Reading with your children, who are just learning to read, supports them to develop reading habits.
Try to choose books that are appropriate for your baby’s and child’s age and month.

How Should I Choose Books for My Baby and Child?
When choosing books for babies, especially in the first months, when you hold your little baby on your lap, choose books that can be chosen from about 20 cm. Especially in the first months, it is good to have books with colors such as black and white in contrast color, durable cardboard fabric, etc.

When babies get a little older, they show more interest in books with pictures of soldering irons, cars, and items that show a little more written daily life. Books that move or make noises to turn the pages are of little more interest. When your child is a little older, you can read books that tell about daily events and teach numbers.

Then you can choose books that tell stories, have more words and contain complex events. Fantasy books such as animals and fairies that talk over time, and books that will expand their imagination will also be of interest to them. In addition, reading books according to your child’s own interests will increase his interest in books more.

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