First Tooth in Babies

by admin

Loud laughter sounds!

During this period, your baby’s smiles are now at a level to reflect their happiness. Sometimes he laughs spontaneously without any stimulus. When you tickle your baby, he may respond with a loud smile.

Your baby will gradually develop action-reaction behaviors; learns to hope and expect things. For example, he begins to use crying consciously. He knows how to get your attention by crying, dropping things, or even a fake “cough”.

Communication techniques are developing…

Best of all, your baby will be able to express to you more and more that you are privileged. Now, when he sees his acquaintances, he starts to show joy, of course, especially you. Sometimes when he gets cranky, even if you call him from another room, he can calm down for a short time. “talking” to his acquaintances, making noises is becoming one of his favorite things!

Of course, the world may not always be so rosy for your baby. For example, he may start to show shyness and anxiety from time to time, although he may be close to strangers. Most importantly, he learns that not everything he wants can be fulfilled anymore. She cries when she doesn’t have something she wants or something she doesn’t want, such as when her play is interrupted. Now your baby’s interest in the environment has started to increase. It reacts by following the sequence of events taking place. For example, it may react to footsteps, preparations such as feeding and bathing.

You can always use music to calm your baby. By singing songs to your baby, you can both relax and contribute to language development. Also, your baby may even try to repeat some easy sounds and choruses as their imitation skills are starting to develop. Your baby’s ear can now hear as clearly as an adult. He can easily distinguish between a weak voice and a strong voice. He can also start to catch the rhythms in the music. Because he is willing to make sounds, he can repeat some sounds continuously. (Who knows what song she sings to you.)

Now your baby will also start making his own music. As a matter of fact, when he shakes his rattle quickly, he realizes that he is making a sound. It perceives that it makes a sound when it hits, turns, or swings something. As he perceives different reactions from the outside world, he will try again, sometimes making the same sound or movement over and over to discover cause-effect relationships. Unfortunately, there is not much we can do other than suggest that you be a little patient considering how exciting this is for his development. We can easily guess that your patience will run out after a while, especially if he throws things away and asks you back, but remember, he is currently learning only in this way. When your patience seems to run out, perhaps it would be the best option to hand over the task and hand your baby over to another person’s supportive gaze for a while.

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