Effects of Music on Child Development

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Research on the effects of music on child development has revealed that there is a link between music and early brain development. In this respect, music will be a good tool to support the development of your baby, who starts to distinguish musical sounds from the mother’s womb. Your child’s academic development, especially; language development, social-emotional development, physical development, creativity, in short, all areas of development will be supported in many ways by means of music. You can find many details about the effects of music on children and which music should be listened to in our article.

Music from the Womb
Music is defined as food for the soul. People who listen to music relax and feel happy thanks to the endorphin hormone secreted. In this respect, the effects of music on child development start from the mother’s womb. The mother’s listening to music during pregnancy will feel happy and peaceful thanks to the endorphin hormone that will be secreted, so it will be passed on to her baby in this way. The music listened to during pregnancy will especially contribute to the emotional development of the baby and will help establish a positive bond between the mother and the baby. In addition, all developmental areas of the baby, especially physical and mental development, will be positively affected by the music played. It is recommended by experts to listen to classical music with calm rhythms by the mother during pregnancy. Choosing the right music will affect the baby’s happiness and peace in the womb.

What are the Effects of Music on Your Child?
Your child, who starts to imitate sounds from the age of 1-2, may notice his interest in music for the first time at this age. Reactions such as clapping, rhythm and similar sounds when they hear music are the first effects of music on your child. In fact, the fact that he distinguishes your voice from birth and reacts to different sounds is an indication that his relationship with sound and music goes back a long time. Music, which has such an important place in your child’s life, has a great contribution to his healthy development. Music is an important tool that has a positive effect on all developmental areas of your child, enabling him to gain an aesthetic point of view as well as increasing his auditory intelligence.

Music Increases Success in All Development Areas
Studies have shown that children supported by music from infancy have higher academic success and faster brain development. In the same way, a rapid development is observed in the child’s self-expression skills thanks to music. The combination of words with rhythm makes it easier for children to learn.

What are the Contributions of Music to Your Child?
-Music develops children’s aesthetic sense.
-Music supports creativity and imagination.
-Music allows your child to relax and express himself correctly.
-Children who listen to music develop a sense of rhythm, and they begin to perceive them aurally more easily. Their sensitivity to sounds increases.
-It has positive effects in areas such as attention, concentration, and math skills.
-It mediates the socialization of the child and his inclusion in the group of friends.
-Your child expresses his feelings more easily thanks to music.
-Many concepts can be easily taught to children through musical games.

How Can You Support Your Child’s Musical Skills?
With the little touches you will make, it is possible to draw your child’s attention to the music and to guide him in this regard. E.g; listening to a lullaby before going to bed, making a sound, spoon / tambourine, etc. Giving the child the opportunity to examine the instruments, to make various sounds with these instruments, to sing together, to play music that supports the development of your child in the background while doing the activity, to observe the reactions of your child to the sounds and to notice the music that he likes and is interested in are simple activities that will develop and support their musical skills. In addition, guiding your child to play a musical instrument that he is interested in and supporting his education on this subject is extremely important in terms of both contributing to his development and increasing his musical skills.

Go to Concerts with Your Child, Introduce Different Instruments
When your child reaches an age where they can express themselves, you can go to concerts organized for children as an activity. You can attend music workshops and plan events to introduce different instruments. You can offer the opportunity to experience that each instrument has a different sound. In this way, both his interest in music will increase and his ability to observe and compare will develop. In the meantime, you will have the opportunity to observe your child and discover their interests and abilities.

When Your Child Plays a Musical Instrument
Playing a musical instrument helps your child develop small and large motor skills. In addition, he gets the chance to express himself in a different way. It reflects negative emotions in a positive way. There is an increase in skills such as attention, concentration, memory. If he is interested in a musical instrument, it will be appropriate for you to guide him from the age of 3.

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