Children and the Digital World

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Children and the Digital World

It’s getting harder and harder to keep kids apart from the digital world. From the age of 2, we see children walking around with tablets in their hands or staying in front of the television. Of course, the digital world is now an indispensable part of our lives. However, the age of 0-6 is a very important period in which children learn with all their senses by touching and feeling concrete materials in their 3-dimensional form. If we want to give importance to the socialization, sensory integration and mental development of our children at this age, we need to strive to keep their relations with the digital world measured, within certain limits and within programs that will support their development.

Many sources predict that, if used correctly and in a balanced way, technological tools can be used to support development after the age of 3. The most important thing here is to focus on “measured” and “correct” use. Here are some useful tips about these criteria:

An official report was published in the USA in 2012. (The National Association for the Education of Young Children, January 2012 Paper). When we conduct a study on the recommendations in these resources, we observe that on average, children should not be in front of the screen until the age of 2, and after the age of 2, a maximum of 1-2 hours of daily use is foreseen for the use of all electronic devices.
Tablets, iPads, televisions or computers should never be used to distract your child, such as a caregiver. The aim should be to spend educational and quality time in a limited time period.
One of the most important drawbacks in the use of technological tools is that the child is in the position of a passive spectator. During these times, you may be able to make this passive time a little more instructive by being with your child, talking and giving information about what you watch or play.
If your child will be looking at a screen; Tablet applications that support their development are much more recommended than television. On tablets, it is possible to introduce protective controls to select applications suitable for your child and to make the tablets even safer.
If our child is going to use an ipad, the used one if possible; It would be more appropriate to choose an i-pad with screen protection and a thick case.
If our child is to watch television, we should take care to watch educational children’s channels as much as possible. It is known that false visuals, uncontrolled sound patterns and fast transitions in commercials or adult channels can leave many undesirable effects on your children, from different fears to bad habits.
Children can identify themselves with the cartoon characters they watch during these months. That’s why content is so important; You should be careful that the cartoons they watch do not contain violence and bad behavior. If possible, record the cartoons to watch and watch it yourself first, or watch it together. The cartoons that he will watch at this age should be about basic concepts such as friendship, family and love. Lines should be round and soft, movements should be slow. If possible, it should present an educational content by introducing new concepts.
In short, it is possible to make this adventure more beneficial with measured use, active participation as much as possible instead of passive monitoring and the selectivity you will show in the programs.

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