Baby’s Mobility and Importance of Environment

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The Great İmportance of the Ready Environment…
Your baby’s turn will make the landscaping much more important. As a matter of fact, being able to turn also means being able to fall or reach harmful objects after a while. Therefore, taking into account your baby’s range of motion, necessary precautions must be taken beforehand. For example, you should keep in mind that your baby may move suddenly while changing diapers.

One of the best environmental arrangements you can do for your baby is to leave him on a not too hard floor, to provide a space for him to move, and if possible, to place a mirror next to this movement area. When you organize such a movement area, it will be possible to support him to make different movements and develop in different areas by hanging some toys from above. For example, the mobiles you will hang will help the eye muscles to develop on the one hand, and encourage him to lie down on the other. During this period, your baby can now follow rotating objects. Therefore, mobiles or mobiles are still enjoyable toys for them. Usually 15 cm from their face. They can track a distant object 180o. Again, balls that you can hang on the ceiling can support the development of gross motor muscles by supporting reaching and hitting efforts. Not yet able to fully grasp or grasp the balls, but tries to reach out.

Colors are Starting to make Sense…

Now your baby has started to perceive the differences between colors. Therefore, using different colors in toys (especially using the basic colors red, yellow and blue in the first stage) is beneficial to support the development of the sense of sight. In addition, different materials that you can put next to him in the movement area and allow him to reach by reaching out will open the way for new discoveries for your baby, while improving motor muscles and hand-eye coordination.

Although your baby does not yet understand that the person in the mirror is his own reflection (he will not understand this until the age of two), looking at this moving baby in the mirror is a very pleasant experience for him. It will linger thanks to the person in the mirror; will follow certain movements and the presence of the mirror will contribute to the analysis of cause-effect relationships after a while.

Your Baby’s Emotional Development

Now he begins to know his environment and to trust his environment. Your baby’s crying decreases and he starts to recognize his relatives. He will slowly start using his memory, waiting for rewards from his actions. Approving your baby’s actions with smiles, communicating with your baby eye to eye and ensuring a certain order in the environment, supporting the sense of trust, singing songs to your baby; In short, showing that you love and stand by your baby is the most natural and easy way to support his emotional development. The beautiful moments you spent with him, the “firsts” you witnessed and the small responses from him will open an incredibly pleasant window in your emotional world.

Your baby usually doesn’t like to be alone. When your guests arrive, place your baby where they can see and hear you. In this way, he will continue to observe in his own world or he will be happy to feel your voice close to him. If you absolutely have to leave him, you can do this by turning on nice music for your baby.

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