Attention Lengths of Children by Age Groups

by admin

3-Year-Old Child: A 3-year-old child who receives pre-school education can maintain attention on the same subject for 3-8 minutes. When the activity is appropriate for his age and development, he can complete it without losing interest.

3.5-Year-Old Child: If there are different activities and games that 3.5-year-olds can do, they can maintain their attention for up to 15 minutes on their own.

4-Year-Old Child: A 4-year-old child can maintain his interest in the activity, and his attention development is stronger than the previous years. It may not hear or see other stimuli coming from the environment. That is why he does not hear you when he is immersed in a game, when you call him, when you invite him to dinner. A 4-year-old child can maintain attention for 7-8 minutes in an activity alone. If the activity is new to him and he is interested, it can take up to 15 minutes to maintain his attention. In a group suitable for his age and development, he can continue the game for 5-10 minutes without interruption.

4.5-Year-Old Child: A 4.5-year-old child can keep his attention for 2-3 minutes in an activity that he did not choose himself and that he did not want very much at that moment. For example, you asked him to collect his toys and he did it for only 2 minutes and left. Although it may seem very short to you, it is good that it can do this even for 2 minutes.

5-Year-Old Child: A 5-year-old can ignore much more external stimuli while maintaining attention. When he is alone, he can keep his attention for 10-15 minutes if it is an activity that interests him. With a group of children suitable for their age and development, they can play the game for 10-25 minutes without being distracted.

6-7 Years Old Child: He/she can give his/her attention for 20-30 minutes to an activity that interests him/her alone. The attention span of 6 and 7 year olds is much longer than before. During this period, attention development in children generally accelerates. A child who could not pay attention to an activity for even 5 minutes while sitting at a desk in the previous year, can sit at the desk and continue the same activity for half an hour when he turns 6 years old.

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