Approaching Your First Year with Your Baby

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While infancy is the sweetest time for some parents, it can be the most challenging for others. You are about to leave behind a year with its challenges and joys. No matter what happens, the changes in your life are definitely too many and we are sure that you are looking forward to what will happen next. In fact, each period has its own very general (sometimes challenging and sometimes even more enjoyable) features.

In this article, we will try to briefly summarize what kind of adventure you are on the verge of an adventure with your child from infancy to adulthood. See what changes await you in which periods. Knowing the features of each period in advance enables us to make the necessary preparations by adjusting ourselves according to these features. In addition, seeing that some behaviors are completely “normal” reminds us how “normal” or “expected” our baby or child’s behaviors that we sometimes have difficulty and cannot understand are actually for that period. This can prevent us from personalizing certain problems. While each period has its difficulties, each period also has its own beauties.

There are scientists and experts who examine the developmental stages in different ways. We are here at Dr. We will be referring to the classification made by Maria Montessori. Dr. Maria Montessori examined the stages of development in four main groups. 0-6 years (early childhood-infancy); 6-12 years (childhood-childhood); 12-18 years (growth stage, puberty-adolescence) and 18-24 years (maturity-maturity). He called this the four planes of development. Here, we briefly touched on the characteristics of the 0-6 age stage that you are witnessing right now. However, if you want, you can learn about the properties of all 4 universes by going to our article at the end. If you have time, we recommend that you take a look at this fun chart.

Now, let’s first take a quick look at the general characteristics of the 0-6 age stage and what awaits us:

The first stage is the period of 0-6 years. In fact, he divides this period into 0-3 and 3-6. The general features we should expect from this period are as follows:

Physical Changes:
Children in this period:

-They are delicate, they have a high need for vaccinations.
-Their immune systems are developing.
-His teeth are coming out.
-They learn to sit, crawl and walk.
-They have soft skin and hair.
-Coordination of motor muscles develops through experimentation, play and imitation.
-They learn to speak and a “language center” is formed.

Psychological Changes:
Ages 0-3: Unconscious sponge brain (that is, children absorb everything around them like a sponge and perform their actions unconsciously by listening to their inner teacher (inner teacher).

Ages 3-6: Conscious sponge brain (that is, they absorb everything that is given to them and observe in their environment like a sponge, but they decide more consciously what information to keep in this period.

During this period, our children:

-The ego is formed.
-The mind/mind infrastructure is formed (memory, order, intention, questioning, mental thought and structuring).
-They go through periods of “Sensitivity/Sensitivity”.
-They think real/concrete (They still have difficulty understanding abstract concepts.)
-They want to know the answer to the “what” question.

Our children’s needs during this period:
love, intimacy, protection,
order and trust,
As much “independence” as he can handle,
Limited freedom (freedom to the extent that it is safe, not harmed and to the extent that it preserves love and respect for its surroundings),
A rich “ready environment” equipped with purposeful activity, experience and various stimuli,
Learning about relationships with others
Gaining self-confidence and self-esteem,
Adaptation to culture.
Montessori says that in order for the teachings of this period to be productive, “individual studies” should come to the fore and should be supported with concrete materials and teachings as much as possible. The summary sentence describing what children mostly want in this period is “I want to do it on my own!”.

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