A Safe Environment Allowing Active Babies to Move Freely

by admin

For the ready environment, a mirror (approximately 1 m long and 2 m wide) that you will put in the movement area and a bar that will be hung in accordance with its height (think of it like the bars that ballerinas hold while exercising) will ensure that the next period will be very enjoyable for her.

Try to remove things in the house for a while that might break or injure them if they fall. It is very important for him to be able to move a lot so that he can explore his body and develop his motor muscles. (Click here to remember what will happen in general motor muscle development by months in the first 2 years.) Also, dress them for movement as much as possible. At the moment, it is much more important to be able to move than to be stylish. Never forget this. If possible, create an exploratory environment.

Don’t overwhelm your baby with toys, but put toys around him that he can explore and focus on. Having too many toys and being scattered will both reduce the sense of order he is looking for and make it difficult for him to focus on any area.

Another important issue is timed stimuli and directions. If your child is growing up; if you know the developmental characteristics of certain periods; o You can try to do different activities that will nurture their developmental characteristics.

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