2 Years Syndrome

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2 Years Syndrome
2 years is a critical age for both parents and children. In this stage, which is seen as the end of infancy and the beginning of childhood, parents begin to observe some changes in the child’s behavior.
What is the cause of the 2-year-old syndrome and what behaviors are observed in the child during this period?

2 years is a critical age for both parents and children. In this stage, which is seen as the end of infancy and the beginning of childhood, parents begin to observe some changes in the child’s behavior. These changes can start at the 16th month or continue until the 42nd month.
By the age of 2, the baby reaches the age to be considered a child, he/she is grown up and he/she is aware of this. During this period, the child begins to discover himself as an individual independent of his parents. The child, who started to discover himself while he was dependent on his parents before, becomes able to decide what he likes and what he does not like, and this is the source of most of the conflicts with his parents. The child exhibits excessive stubbornness, trying to get what he wants by crying, being irritable, using the word ‘no’ frequently, being prone to violence against the environment, and even behaving that can harm himself. In addition, you may experience changes in the sleep and nutrition routine that you have somehow managed so far. However, every child experiences this stage differently. Some children are calmer by nature and get through this period quickly, while some children experience their emotions more intensely and this period may be a little longer. The important point here is to provide them with the support they need.

As the 2-year-old syndrome is a natural phase of the development process, some external factors may increase the size of the problems. The restrictive and excessive protective attitudes of the parents, insistent parents (for example, insistence on food can play a role in the appetite problem), the child’s inability to spend his energy during the day, and the parents’ lack of time and attention to the child are effective in this type of difficult and stubborn behavior of the child.

What should parents do during this period?

Being patient is one of the most important qualities to have at this stage. It should not be forgotten that this process is also a period of confusion and transition for your child who realizes that he can be self-sufficient now. Being patient and consistent with the child who is inconsistent in his behavior and who is experiencing fluctuations helps to get through this period with the least conflict. For example, trying to force food results in the child becoming stubborn with his parents and refusing to eat the food. The source of the problem is the barriers against the individualization and liberation of the child.
Yes, the child still needs the guidance of the parents to be protected from dangers at this age, but very strict rules and strict upbringing negatively affect the child’s personal development. Showing attention when he ends his negative behavior instead of shouting and giving harsh punishments, waiting for the right times on issues such as feeding and toilet training, appreciating your child’s effort to understand what is going on around him, who constantly asks questions such as ‘what’ ‘why’ that sometimes makes you tired, and to protect himself from external dangers. instead of scaring him, making him feel your presence next to him and creating a bond of trust allows this period to be overcome in the lightest way and the child to become an independent individual with high self-confidence.

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