1 Year Child Development

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1 Year Child Development
For children who have completed the first 12 months, 1 year is an important milestone. Children’s physical, mental, emotional and social development continues to progress rapidly. The development in these areas is multifaceted. Having knowledge about topics such as games that support 1 year old baby development, nutrition and activities for cognitive development and acting accordingly supports the development of the child.

1 Year Baby Development Height Weight
1 year old baby weight is different for girls and boys. 1-year-old baby weight should be around 9.65 kg for male babies and 8.95 kg for female babies. While the average height of male babies is 76 cm, the average height of female babies is 74 cm. These rates are average values ​​and it should not be forgotten that each child’s development level is different from each other.

Babies who have reached the age of 1 have come a long way in terms of physical development. He can sit without support from a place and can stand up by taking support from the ground with his hands while sitting. Most children turn 1 year old, but some can walk a few months after completing their first year.

1 Year Old Baby Nutrition
Nutrition is very important in the development of a 1 year old baby. For the first 2 years, babies should continue to be fed with breast milk. Infants aged 1 year should continue to be breastfed. Babies who cannot take breast milk can continue with follow-on milk, but over time, the main source of nutrition should be the foods that adults eat. Since there is a possibility of allergic reaction to the given foods, it is necessary to ask the doctor about the suitability beforehand. Honey, egg white, soup, citrus fruits, pasteurized daily cow’s milk, pasteurized yoghurt or cheese and homemade paste can be added to the nutrition program by doctors over time. Many of the foods that adults eat can be eaten when brought to appropriate sizes and given to the baby. A program can be made with the doctor according to the daily nutritional needs.

Babies this age can learn to eat on their own. By giving a spoon to his hand, he can practice eating with a spoon. Sitting at the table with his mother and father increases the shared moments as a family, and allows him to learn his daily routine. He should not be forced to eat when he does not finish the prepared portion or does not want to eat. He may have eaten less at one meal, and at his next meal he will eat a little more and adjust it. He should be given the opportunity to understand whether he is satisfied or not. When given the opportunity at this age, it will be easier to develop nutritional awareness in later years.

1 Year Old Kids Games
Playing with blocks or cubes is fun for 1-year-old babies whose gross and fine motor skills are more developed than in previous months. He can both play with them as he wants and build towers. Colorful toys and books can be preferred to contribute to the development of visual intelligence. Sound-making toys and books, on the other hand, support auditory intelligence. While playing games with these toys and books, saying the names of objects, their functions in short sentences and sometimes asking what happened to it support language development.

Symbolic play begins to occur in children who are 1 year old. As time progresses, the skills of setting up these games also improve. -Uses objects in different ways and for different purposes by making pretend games. For example, he may eat as if there is food on a plate. When the child plays symbolic games, he should not try to bring it into reality, on the contrary, when he wants you to participate in the game in his world, it is necessary to accompany his play as he has fictionalized. In this way, you will be there for the child as he rehearses and learns about daily life.

“Where is mom, where is dad?” You can ask short questions such as: Parts of the body can be taught slowly. Games can be installed and played on it. In addition to games that do not require such movement, it is important for the child to play games where he can release his energy and develop gross motor skills. For example, races can be held in a safe area at home by setting the finish line.

At this age, it may not be an appropriate expectation to expect children to play by sharing their toys with other children, but in an environment where children are present, they can play in one way or another.

What Can I Teach My 1 Year Old Baby
Many things can be taught to the baby through play. He can teach many objects through picture books, and learning can be reinforced by asking him short questions about what the objects are. The same exercise can be done for the people around. In this way, social skills and language development are supported. Large and few pieces of jigsaw puzzles contribute to the development of motor skills. You can teach to use spoons and forks while eating, but you need to have someone with you to be safe while experiencing this.

How to Train a 1 Year Old Child
During this period, most children learn to walk. When children start walking, they see that their abilities increase. The distance to the places he can go on his own is greater than before. Increasing what he can do improves his sense of independence and gives him self-confidence, while giving him pleasure. Becomes more curious to explore and eager to learn. While he discovers many things about life, it is necessary to give him an opportunity by considering the safety of the environment. Since it is something he should not do, it should not be directed with negative imperatives. Instead, it is necessary to empathically say that you understand him and see what he wants to do. Having said that, a short and clear boundary can be set as to why you don’t want him to do it. Finally, by offering 2 alternative options, you can enable them to fulfill these needs in a safer way without inhibiting their desire to explore and learn.

How Should I Treat a 1-Year-Old Child?
Regardless of age, children need unconditional acceptance and love from their parents. Parents should give unconditional acceptance and love both with their actions and speech and should make the child feel this. Families should allow the child to realize his desire to explore in a safe environment without adopting an overprotective attitude.

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